[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读
A publisher of a national book of high student biographees has just released the results of a survey it did of its membership , those who appear in their book. The results, which appear to contain several findings of gre interest to the American public, are nevertheless suspect in their scientific validity. How often do we hear the word validity used in relationship to statistics which are proffered on the evening news or in the newspapers? Most people are left believing that all stats are to be taken seriously and that they imply, by the fact that they are in the media, some assurance of being well grounded and useful. The facts, in my opinion, do not warrant such trust, nor do the researchers warrant plaudits for their work in this instance.
A questionnaire which was designed to tap into teens’ beliefs on everything from sex to suicide was mailed to just over 8,000 students across the nation. Just over 3,000 returned their questionnaires and from this sample the publisher made its findings public.
The number of teens who actually thought about suicide was found to be slightly more than 800 and the number who tried to kill themselves was around 130. Of course, these figures had to be calculated because percentages were given in the original press release and discussed by the spokesperson on national TV. When questioned about the responsibility of the researchers in terms of the students who thought about killing themselves and those who had actually tried, the spokesperson took a turn and answeredanother question; they intended to do something about the high percent of students who reported rape or forced sexual contact.
But where does this lee not only the kids who sent in the questionnaire and admitted to suicidal thoughts or actions, but all those kids who didn’t reply, but who had the same feelings or experiences? Where is the responsibility not only of the research pany, but of the publishers and the schools where those students are in classes? What percent of the almost 5,000 kids who didn’t respond had tried to kill themselves or had thought about it? The study naively offers a glimpse into the seriousness of teen suicide while ignoring its own inadequacy in truly providing information. In this case, it’s not only the kids who responded, but, more important, the kids who didn’t because those kids feel there’s no sense to reach out and tell someone of their pain. I suspect those kids are truly in danger and how is the study identifying them? For that matter, how is the study identifying the teens who admitted to trying to kill themselves? [443 words]
1. The results of a survey ______
A. must be scientific
B. are usually reliable
C. may not be valid enough
D. tend to lack great value
2. The statistics released in the media ______
A. are never taken seriously
B. are usually taken very seriously
C. are all very well grounded
D. are beyond any suspect
3. According to this passage, ______
A. rape or forced sexual contact is of more interest to American public than suicide
B. there are more teens thinking about suicide than those trying to kill themselves C. teens are more interested in sex than suicide
D. more than 25 percent of teens intend to mit suicide
4. The seriousness of teen suicide ______
A. has been fully realized
B. tends to be ignored
C. hasn’t been over-emphasized
D. isn’t the first concern of the author
5. The main idea of this passage is that ______
A. we should be suspicious of the statistics in the media
B. we should pay more attention to the responsibility of researchers than the statistics,examda.
C. we should try to help all those kids who admitted to suicidal thoughts or actions
D. we should take the high percent of students who reported rape more seriousl难句透析
①How often do we hear the word validity[used in relationship to statistics(which are proffered on the evening news or in the newspapers)]?
【结构】方括号所标示的过去分词短语用做“the word validity”的后置定语。
②Most people are left believin9”[that all stats are to be taken seriously]and”[that they imply,by the fact(that they are in the media),some assurance of being well grounded and useful].
【结构】两个方括号所标示的部分是现在分词“believin9”的两个并列的宾语从句。第二个宾语从句中的主语“they”指“all stats”。圆括号所标示的部分是“the fact”的同位语从句,其中的主语“they”也指“all stats”。
③When questioned about the responsibility of the researchers in terms of the students”[who thought about killing themselves]and those”[who had actually tried].the spokesperson took a turn and answered another question; they intended to do something about the high percent of students[who reported rape or forced sexual contact].
【结构】本句中的“When questioned about the responsibility…”相当于“When the spokesperson was questioned about the responsibility…”。三个方括号所标示的部分都是定语从句,分别修饰各自之前的“the students”,“those”和“students”。
【释义】 当有人问到,就那些曾经有过自杀念头以及那些真曾试图自杀的学生而言,研究人员能做些什么时,电视节目主持人话头一转,回答了另一个问题;有相当高比例的学生曾经报告被强奸或被性骚扰,研究人员打算就此做些工作。④But where does this lee not only the kids[who sent in the questionnaire and admitted to suicidal thoughts or actions],but all those kids[who didn’t reply],but[who had the same feelings or experiences]?
【结构】本句中,“not only…but…”连接两个并列的宾语成分“the kids”和“all those kids”。第一个方括号所标示的部分是“the kids”的定语从句。第二个和第三个方括号所标示的部分是“all those kids”的两个用“but”连接的并列的定语从句。
plaudit n.喝彩
proffer v./n.提供
参考答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 全文翻译
在回馈问卷的年轻人当中,约有800多人确实考虑过自杀,而真正尝试过自杀的人数在130人左右。当然,这些数据最后都被折合成百分比,因为最早发布的结果和在全国性电视节目中讨论此问题时使用的都是百分比。当有人问到,就那些曾经有过自杀念头以及那些真曾试图自杀的学生而言,研究人员能做些什么时,电视节目主持人话头一转,回答了另一个问题;有相当高比例的学生曾经报告被强奸或被性骚扰,研究人员打算就此做些工作。 但是,这样一来,把那些交回问卷承认有过自杀念头或者自杀行为的孩子置之何处了呢,又把那些没有回复,却有过同种感觉和经历的孩子都置之何处了呢?那么这家研究公司能为此做些什么,出版社以及这些孩子们正在就读的学校又应当做些什么?那将近5000个没有回复的孩子中尝试过自杀或者想要自杀的人的比例又如何?这项研究幼稚地扫视了目前年轻人自杀倾向的严重性但却忽略了自身在真实提供信息方面的不足。在这样的情况下,不仅仅是回复了问卷的孩子,更为重要的还是那些没有回复的孩子,因为他们觉得没有理由把自己的痛苦告诉别人。我怀疑这些孩子才是真正处于危险之中,而这份调研又将他们置之何处呢?就从这一点上讲,这份调研又是怎样把承认曾试图自杀的孩子都归为一类的呢?
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