[树立不求所有、但求所用的观念]树立不求所有但求所用的观念 世界正在经历着一场从物质到意识的深刻变革:知识经济迅猛发展,科技进步日新月异,经济发展的动力机制由主要依靠物力资本转到主要依靠人力资本。中...+阅读
the way she came into the place i knew right then and there
there was something different about this girl
the way she moved her hair, her face, her lines
divinity in motion as she stalked the room
i could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lust
the girl was persuasive, the girl i could not trust
the girl was bad, the girl was dangerous
i never knew but i was walking the line
come go with me , i said i have no time
she said dont you pretend we didnt talk on the phone
my baby cried and left me standing alone , shes so dangerous.
the girl is so dangerous, take away my money, throw away my time
you can call me honey, but youre no down good for me.
she came at me in sections with the eyes of desire
i feel trapped into her web of sin, a touch , a kiss, a whisper of love
i was at the point of no return
deep in the darjness of passions insanity , i felt taken by lusts stranger, inhumanity
i never knew but i was living in vain
she called my house and said you know my name
and dont you pretend , you never did me before, with tears in her eyes
my baby walked out the door, shes so dangerous
dangerous!!!the girl is so dangerous.
i have to pray to god, cause i know how lust can blind
its a passion in my soul , but youre no damn lover friend of mine
i cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight
i cannot cope til its all right
you and your mainpulation , you hurt my baby
and then it happened , she touch me
for the lips of a stranger woman, drop as a honey-comb
and her mouth was smooth than oil , but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged sward
but i loved it, cause its dangerous
take away my money, throw away my time
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