

11月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小班上学期随笔:明天我不哭了]放学的时间到了,孩子们开着小火车一个个准备回家了。离园的路上要走过两个班的教室,路比较长。于是,我就边走边和前面的几个孩子聊起了天。 鸿鸿,明天来幼儿园可不能哭了。 恩!...+阅读

I won’t he time tomorrow.


A Why don’t you e and watch the football after you finish cycling?

A 骑完车以后过来看足球赛怎么样?

B Thanks, but I won’t he time tomorrow.

B 谢谢,但我明天没空。

A Yes, you will. The football is on TV in the evening. You’ll he time.

A 肯定可以。足球赛晚上在电视上播。你会有时间。

B If I go cycling, I’ll be tired by the evening.

B 如果我去骑车的话,晚上我肯定会很累了。

A But if you go cycling early – in the morning, for instance – you won’t be tired.

A 但如果你早点去——比如上午去——你就不会累了。

B OK. Maybe I will e. I’ll see how I feel when I finish cycling.

B 好吧。也许我会来。我要看骑玩车以后我感觉如何。

Notes 注释

1 Remember the negative form for talking about the future – won’t / won’t, e.g.: I won’t he time tomorrow / I won’t he time tomorrow : I won’t be late / I won’t be late..

记住谈论将来的事情时用的否定形式——won’t /将不。例如:I won’t he time tomorrow / 我明天没空 : I won’t be late /我不会迟到。

2 Remember also the structure of sentences beginning with If . . . / If . . . e.g.: If you go cycling early, you won’t be tired / If you go cycling early, you won’t be tired : If you lee early, you’ll arrive in time / If you lee early, you’ll arrive in time.

也请您记住以If . . . / 如果. . .开头的句子。

例如:If you go cycling early, you won’t be tired /如果你早点去骑车,你就不会累了 : If you lee early, you’ll arrive in time /如果你早走,你就会及时到达。

Key phrases and sentences

Why don’t you e and watch the

football after you finish cycling?

Thanks, but I won’t he time tomorrow.

Yes, you will.

The football is on TV in the evening.

You’ll he time.

If I go cycling, I’ll be tired by the evening.

But if you go cycling early – in the

morning, for instance – you won’t be tired.

OK. Maybe I will e.

I’ll see how I feel when I finish cycling.












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