

12月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一级建造师机电专业模拟题]案例题; (一) 某机电总承包一级企业通过招标,承建一大型商务办公楼的机电安装工程,合同规定承包括范围;给排水、电气、空调通风系统、消防系统、电梯安装。工程所需电梯和设备房冷...+阅读

第1部分 词汇 选择(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分, 建议10分钟以内完成)


1. The mittee prises five persons.

A) absorbs B)concerns

C) excludes D)involves

2. We derive (B)knowledge mainly from books

A)deprive (B) B) obtain

C) descend D)trace

3. The room was furnished (B) with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table

A)supplied B) gathered

C)grasped D)made

4. The local government decided to merge (B)the two firms into a big one.

A)motivate B) bine

C)pact D)nominate

5. He emphasized a feasible (B)plan which can be accepted by the both sides.

A)forable B) possible

C)formal D)genuine

6. When does the next train depart(B)?

A)pull up B) pull down

C)pull out D)pull in

7. Because administering (B)the whole pany, he sometimes has to work around the clock.

A)adjusting B) evaluating

C)engaging D)managing

8. The town is notable (A)for its beautiful scenery in winter.

A)similar B) prompt

C)profound (B) D)famous

9. He is assigned to oversee (A)the production of the assembly lines.

A)supervise B) watch

C)suspect D)predict

10.Soldiers he to obey (A)orders.

A)reply to B) apply for

C)abide with (A) D)ply with (A)

11. The advertising pany was surprised by the adverse(A) public reaction to the poster.

A) delayed B)quick

C) positive D) unforable

12. It is said that the house along the street will soon be demolished(A).

A) pulled down B) rebuilt

C) renovated D) whitewashed

13. In his two-hour-long lecture he made an exhaustive (A)analysis of the issue.

A) extremely thorough B) long and strong

C) crazy D) unconvincing

14. These are our motive (B)for doing it.

A) reasons B) arguments

C) targets D) stimulus (A)

15. Do you think there is any likelihood (A)of his agreeing to it?

A) respect B) occasion

C) prospect D) anticipation


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