[Making ArrangementsI——Requesting Information]Mr. Shelli is the Sales Manager of Modern Office Limited. He buys office equipment in Europe and sells it in Dongali. The equipment is usually sent by sea. Toda...+阅读
Employer_________________________ Telephone:_________________
Nature of business______________________________________________
Position to be filled___________________________________________
Employee qualifications_________________________________________
Number of employees needed______________________________________
Wages or salary $________________ per __________________________
Employment is _____temporary ______permanent
Hours ________ to _______
Days ___________ to __________
We are an equal opportunity employer.
商贸英语 Verification of Employment and Letter of RecTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This will confirm that Jonathan Deering has been employed by Electro Corp. for approximately four years. During his tenure of employment,...
Making ArrangementsII——Passing on of InformationFirst Maria tells her boss what she has found out from the shipping agents The consignment is due to arrive on Saturday. It will take two days to unpack the cra...
GetVolumeInformation读取文件系统信息声明:GetVolumeInformation( lpRootPathName: PChar; {磁盘驱动器代码字符串} lpVolumeNameBuffer: PChar; {磁盘驱动器卷标名称} nVolumeNameSize: DWORD; {磁盘驱动器卷标...