

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


熊兄弟 Brother Bear 狄纳西(Denahi)误以为变成熊的基奈(Kenai)就是杀死基奈的那只熊.于是,他开始追杀基奈以复仇. Koda(小熊) Kenai:Why is he chasing me ? Koda: That's what they do . Kenai:But it's not like him. Koda: Yeah, well, lucky for him he didn't find us.'Cause when I get into a fight ,I go all crazy and I'm a raging ball of brown fur.Uhh! I mean, I don't want to brag or nothin' , but I got some moves. Kenai: Oh, really? Koda: Yep. This first one ,well , it's just a little thing I like to call "The Slasher"! And this one I like to call "Flying Fury of Death"! Kenai: Uh-huh! He's coming back! Koda: Where ? (Koda immediately hides behind Kenai) Kenai:Typical. Koda: Yeah. Well, the next time we went into that hunter... Kenai:There si no "we".OK? I'm not taking you to any salmon run. Koda: What? But you pinky swore. Kenai:Yeah, well ,things change. See ya, kid. Koda: Um. Wait ,uh, the truth is :I got separated from my mom, and now with this hunter around... Kenai:Kid , I got my own problems. Koda: Come on. Please? Can't we just go together? There's a lot of bears and a ton of fish , and every night we watch the lights touch the mountain, and last year... Kenai: Wait, wait, what'd you just say? Koda:There's lots of bears and tons of fish. Kenai:No, you know where the lights touch the earth? Koda:Yeah. It's at the top of the mountain right by the salmon run. Kenai:You're kidding me. Koda:No ,no .They're practically next door. Come on, I'll show you. It will be great. I promise to help you escape from every trap you walk into. Kenai:I'm not gonna into any more...uhh!...traps. Koda:Come on. What do you say? Kenai: You're sure you can take me to where the lights touch the earth? Koda: Yeah, no problem. Kenai:If you slow me down... Koda:I won't , I promise. Kenai:All right. We leave first thing tomorrow. Koda性格活泼 Kenai性格稳重~! 希望能够帮到你 好好比赛!


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