[英语缩略语的意思请大家帮帮忙]1、ABC(American Broadcasting Corporate美国广播公司) 2、AD(Anno Domini公元) 3、BA(Bachelor of Arts文学士) 4、BC(Before Christ公元前) 5、BEC(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERT...+阅读
1、Tang-yuan 汤圆。 例句:After the paste of cooking Tang-yuan soup rate as analysis soup of one of the main standard product quality. 汤圆蒸煮后汤的糊汤率可作为分析产品品质的主要标准之一。
2、steamed buns 馒头; 蒸包。 例句:The steamed buns are cold; let's heat them up.馒头凉了,縢一縢吧。
3、preserved egg 皮蛋; 变蛋。 例句:How we love a congee for breakfast - pork'n'preserved egg. 我们多么喜欢早饭喝粥--皮蛋瘦肉粥。
4、Stinky tofu 臭豆腐。 例句:对了,那些卖臭豆腐的商贩都是从湖南来的吗? By the way, do all the stinky tofu vendors come from Hunan?
5、fried bread stick 油条。 例句:没人认为油条是健康食品,但千百万中国人民还是难以放弃早晨来根油条的诱惑。 No one pretends fried dough sticks are healthy, but millions of Chinese people swear by themcome early morning....
学术英语综合季佩英范烨主编unit9 TextA课后习题中task1 specializedI have a classmate called jack, he often sleep in class, also don't like to study, will influence homework, accidentally will catch a cold catch a cold. He is a...
学术英语翻译。breed specific legislation是为了防止宠物伤人,而立下的法规,具体是禁止特定区域(比如城市里)养特定类型的宠物(多为大型犬) breed specific legislation : how data can spare b...
学术的的英文学术的的翻译怎么用英语翻译学术的1、academic,例如:academic level学术水平; 2、scholarly(名词用scholarship),例如: He was an intellectual, scholarly man.他才华横溢,知识渊博。 另外,还有些词可供在特定语境替...
求一句学术英语的翻译and that the verbs and nouns, and system test of a multi-level and summed up the concept of grammatical metaphor in English for academic statement of the charac...
学术英语请高人帮忙翻译的更地道些It has been proved through out the history that human's recognition, exploitation, and utilization of the resauses as well as the ability to invent production t...
学术英语八单元textc课文翻译一些人喜欢坚持看一种类型的电影,然而我喜欢取决于自己那天的心情来看不同种类的电影。 当我心情沮丧或者劳累的时候,我比较喜欢能使我振奋的电影,像《黑衣人》或者卡通片《功...
求大神英语翻译这段话学术用可以秀语法不要机器翻译教师对学Teachers' expectation for students' roles, on the one hand, helps in the accomplishment of their massive teaching tasks and students' highly-intensive informati...
英语翻译我想知道大学了参加的那个社团怎么说在国外,社团的归类其实很简单.您只要这麽想:任何运动方面的,如篮球队,棒球队,冰球队,橄榄球队,滑雪社等等的全都叫Team.比如说: I am part of the hockey team. I am in the footbal...
请人帮我翻译成英语11,How I should protect oneself, is the patient infected with by pig's influenza infected with? Protect oneself, can adopt the measure of the general prevention...