[2人英语对话!在1]A;oh! what a bad weather it is! It's sand storm. B;yeah! resent years a mass of industry factory ignore the envirenment pollution , and discharge smoke into the...+阅读
Cool.“酷”的由来近年来,“酷”一词已成为不少同学的口头禅。“你看上去很酷”、“酷毙了”等和“酷”有关的话语也在报纸、杂志及人们的交谈中频频出现,屡见不鲜,可是你知道它的真正含义和由来吗?这里的“酷”是英文单词cool的直接音译,不同于汉语中的“酷”(指残酷和程度深),是个极具有强烈感情色彩的形容词,相当于“真棒!”、“好极了!”、“帅气”等表示惊喜和赞美、羡慕之意的词汇。cool作为一个俚语,最先被用于美国黑人土语,并通过被称为冷爵士(cool jazz)的美国乐而传播开来。相当于美国三十年代特别流行的节奏感强烈的(hot)摇摆乐(swing music)来说,cool jazz则是具有一种松懈的、冷漠的、轻描淡写的风格。因此,cool这个词便意味着:有品味的(in good state)、潇洒的(smart)、出色的(excellent),它在美国青少年的口语当中使用频率非常高,后来港台的中文媒介把其音译为“酷”,在二十世纪九十年代末传入大陆并广泛流行起来。以下是一些与cool有关的例句:1. The young man is turning to smoking because he thinks it makes him very cool. 这个年轻人吸烟,因为他觉得这会使自己看起来很酷。2. My office is a sunny room with the best equipment, cool! 我的办公室朝阳,并配有最好的设施,酷!
急需一段两人的英语对话!A: Hi,John B: Hi,mike A: How are you today. B: Fine!Thanks,and you? A: No bad. A: And mike ,where are you going for? B: I'll attand an important meeting,you kon...
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2人英语对话!在12分钟内!—Hello。 —Hello。 —hou are you ? —i am fine。and you ? —i am fine too。Do you have a good time in your sunmmer holiday? —yes.i travel to Beijing.i visit a...
初一英语2人1分钟对话A:Hey,Jany.Are you free this afternoon?B:Let me see.Ah,I'll be free then. But what's up?A:Excellent!属Let's go shopping.What do you think?B:That's great!But coul...
求英语两分钟对话两个人的一个人一分钟左右话题以食物A: Hey, you don't look well, what's up? B: Nothing serious, I just didn't sleep well last night. A: Well...that's a problem. Maybe you should try some exercise....
英语:notebook有几个音节?怎么分这不是但音节单词,不谈是开还是闭。 节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅...
帮我翻译几个英语的招聘1: supermarkets, Kara OK the transfer. Supermarket floor, second floor, the overall transfer of Kara OK150 square meters. 2: Fabric store purchase. Hankow up an...
翅膀用英语怎么说翅膀:“wing” 短语: 天使翅膀 Angel Wings ; Angell Wing ; Angeltee ; Angel's wings 翅膀攻击 wing attack 炸鸡翅膀 Fried Chicken Wing ; Deep Fried Chicken Wing 一双...
酷毙了用英语怎么说“酷”这个词无论是西方还是东方都是很流行,尤其是在十六七岁的高中生中间。今天我们就来学学“酷”的三个等级表达:酷、太酷了、酷毙了。 1. It's cool! 很好,很棒! Cool 这个...