[求一篇英文exposition]Secondhand smoke from cigarettes causes disease including lung cancer and heart disease in non-smoking adults. Secondhand smoke, the combination of the smoke co...+阅读
Zara is the flagship chain store of Inditex Group owned by Spanish tycoon Amancio Ortega, who also owns brands such as Massimo Dutti, Pull and Bear, Oysho, Uterqüe, Stradivarius and Bershka. The group is headquartered in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain, where the first Zara store opened in 1975. It is claimed that Zara needs just two weeks[1] to develop a new product and get it to stores, compared with a six-month industry average, and launches around 10,000 new designs each year. Zara has resisted the industry-wide trend towards transferring fast fashion production to low-cost countries. Perhaps its most unusual strategy was its policy of zero advertising; the company preferred to invest a percentage of revenues in opening new stores instead.
Zara was described by Louis Vuitton fashion director Daniel Piette as "possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer in the world." Zara has also been described as a "Spanish success story" by CNN.[2]
鹰的英文单词是什么hawk [hC:k] n. 鹰, 掠夺他人的人, 鹰派成员 vi. 放鹰, 像鹰一般地袭击, 清嗓, 咳嗽 vt. 捕捉, 咳出, 兜售, (沿街)叫卖, 散播 —————————————————— a bird of Jove n...
英文版本的毕业致辞呵呵,找对人啦。我那天看了一本美国情景口语,里面正好有一篇关于毕业致辞的。希望对你有帮助哦。 it is with passion,courageous convition and strong sense of self that w...
鼓励孩子勇敢的英文祝语宝贝,看到你快乐成长,我们由衷感到:无论我们经历了多少艰辛,都是值得的. Baby, saw joyfully grows to you, we heartfelt felt: Regardless of we experienced how many to be...
摇花船的简介??摇花船又叫做"划旱船","采莲船",常在过年,过元宵节时才进行的一种民间艺术活动.这项艺术活动流行于我国山东一带,人们用它来祝福新的一年中家人的福寿安康. 小学课文 摇花船 摇花船...
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可以简介一下布兰迪斯大学吗布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University) 是美国麻州一所私立小型大学,它成立于1948年,虽然只有几十年的历史,在美国教育界却颇有地位,被誉为“全美最年青的主要研究院大学”。 建校时...
怎么办呢?求英语大神求翻译下面的英文 Please尽量准确9.4.5 二面(第二次面试) 为了获取更多信息来确定求职者是否适合一项工作,大多数组织(公司)会进行二面。公司会选择多种类型的面试方式,比如“结构性”面试和“非结构性”面试。在...