

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求英语高手翻译准确就行]1.This memoirs records all my happiness and sorrow.2.The bell ring from far beyond is wandering around the rain.3.Walking all the way from muddy roads to beauti...+阅读


打招呼 最近怎么样 how are you,man

how is going

how you doing

how are you doing

how have you been

回答 good, fine, prety good, not bad,

问具体的 工作怎么样 how is your job going,how is going with your job

学习 study

you are my girl

i learned,thank you

发生了什么事 what is up

what is going on

what happened

what is wrong



英语那么多年为什么连对话都不会讲啊怎样改善这种情况啊先别急,这是真的,今天没什么时间就简单说说。。 首先我的英语水平:讲纯正美语,看英文原著,看英文原声电影不需要字幕。。。告诉大家我的一些心得。。 因为英语和汉语太大不同,让很...

惊喜的英语单词是什么pleasantly surprised I was somewhat surprised. 我有点惊讶。 His coming surprised me. 他的到来使我感到惊奇。 He was greatly surprised. 他非常吃惊。 He was agreea...

帮忙英语语法用surprisesurprise既可以当成名词也可以当成动词,比如说 It really surprises me. I will give you a big surprise. surprised表示人对什么动词感到惊奇,是人的内心感受,surprising是说...

英语what a surprise是什么意思what a surprise,意思是:这真是令人吃惊啊。 解释: what 英[wɒt] 美[wɑ:t] pron. (用以询问某人或某事物的词) 什么,多少; …的事物; adj. …的(事物或人); adv. (用于感叹句中) ; [例句]...

写一封英语外贸函电的信大概意思是对方的价格过高我们要求低一右上角写收信人姓名,联系方式,邮寄地址等等左上角写你公司名称,日期RE: Quotation requested for ABC Branded shoes Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings!! Thanks for your previous F...

英语口语:怎么用英语吐槽食物难吃1. The food in the school cafeteria is yucky. 学校餐厅的饭菜真难吃。 2. The lousy food upsets my stomach. 这饭菜太糟糕了,吃得我肚子直难受。 3. That pizza tastes...

谁有高中化学和大一化学英语词汇阿这些是SAT考试词汇,应该有用Part 1 foundation chemistry 基础化学 Chapter 1 acid 酸apparatus 仪器,装置aqueous solution 水溶液arrangement of electrons 电子排列assumpt...

生活中常用的英语句子有哪些礼貌用语等After you. 你先请 You are a great help.你帮了大忙 May I help you? /What can I du for you?您有什么事情?/我能为您做些什么吗? Could I..., if you don't mind如果您不介...
