[自荐书封面怎样设计]设计新颖,个性突出 用人单位每天看到的是大量单一、设计重复的自荐书,在成百上千的自荐书中,一份设计精美、色彩亮丽的自荐信可以让主考官眼前一亮,查阅自荐书封面设计,让设计师...+阅读
自荐信不用长,但要表达1) 英语水平2) 提供评委需要知道的关键内涵, 主要是你为何选该学府,教授和研究课题3) 表达个人能力-不要平铺直述,最好用个人经历来展示 如果你有具体的资料,我可以协助你,到我空间留言吧!马克吐温对朋友道歉说:"对不起,我没时间给你写一封短信!" 写一封好的短信比长篇大论难多了!!TO: Prof. So&So Faculty of XYZ Department of ABC University of PQR Dear Prof. So&So [Further to my application made on DDMMYY], I have the pleasure of supplementing it [my application] with this letter of introduction to offer you a more rounded view of myself. As my primary interest is in researching “Topic of Special Interest”, I have done a fair bit of research to locate the best mentor and the best institution to allow me to realize my objectives. Your work in “Area of Special Interest” , especially your publications in “list details…….” , are of particular interest to me and they are the reasons why I seek entry to your university. If admitted, I am able to continue work along the lines of your present research without much training or supervision since I have exposure and actual experience in the following areas: “ list details………” During my university years, I am used to working in a team environment. For example, list……as many cases as possible to show leadership and effective work in a team environment…… Write up one or two cases to show desirable attributes such as ……innovative, persist in solving problems, hard working and having every good interpersonal skills. (Note: it is quite bland to just quote the words, I am creative, hardworking, reliable etc. etc., no one will take note of this very much; it is far better to offer actual examples in your personal history to show these attributes!!) In closing, although I have not been to your city, I did a fair bit of investigation on the environs of PQR University and found the people and geography there highly exciting. I am looking forward to settling down there already!Yours sincerely,Your prospective student
自荐信的格式和内容是什么自荐信的内容自荐信是给你自己一个机会以最佳的候选人形象 去应聘一个具体的职位,招聘者有可能就是你将来的上司。所以,自荐信与你的履历表一样重要。事实上,寄出的履历表中不...
中专生的自荐书怎么写尊敬的公司领导: 您好!首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的中专生开启一扇希望之门。 我叫何小明,是一名即将毕业于福建铁路机电学校(福建广播电视大学铁路...
会计怎样写自荐信跟大多数的一样,分3部分: 1、个人资料(住址、年龄等一切) 2、教育背景(那年的、学历、有什么证、专业等) 3、工作经历(比如你干财务: 1、你做过什么?出纳、会计、主管、经历、总监等;...
申请德国留学自荐信内容如何描述呢德国留学自荐信书写内容介绍: 1。教育背景。你的大学专业是什么,你为何选择这个专业,多年来的专业学习学到了什么,与你选择工商管理研究有什么关系。 2。工作经历。你曾经担任过...
加拿大留学自荐信写作要点是什么一、加拿大留学之留学自荐信一般分三段: 1、介绍学生本人的情况。如兴趣爱好、体育水平、艺术上的造诣等学习成绩以外的别人可能不具备的东西。学习成绩可以用两三句话写完那...
写了一个博士英文留学自荐信水平太差太中国化求高手相助使其你的英文水平很不错。作为一封自荐信,完全可以。建议在细节方面再仔细检查一下,如标点:在but also之前最好有逗号;时态:毕业时间在 2011,应该用将来时;in my life of graduate, bas...