2006 PETS5作文:该不该养宠物豿(20060624) Some argue that keeping dogs as pets can disturb the neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly.Write an article for the newspaper expressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument. You should write no less than 250 words.PETS 5作文:建设高中还是技校 In order to improve education in your area, your local government has opened a debate on teenage education in the local newspaper. The discussion on whether to set up more senior high schools or more technical or vocational schools for teenagers after their junior high school.Write an article for the newspaper expressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument. You should write no less than 250 words. PETS 5作文:给动物自由(2005年12月) You have read the following viewpoint in a newspaper.Some people urge the government to ban circuses from using animals kept in captivity. They think that these animals should be allowed to live freely in the open and not be trapped in cruel conditions.Please write a short essay as a presentation for a conference on the above issue, you should use your ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example. You should write no less than 250 words. PETS 5作文:西部开发优先引进人才还是资金 The western china, with its rich natural researches and huge potential for development, is very likely to become a power house for china's economic growth in the new century, in the process of development, the region has a great demand for talents as well as financial input. Which do you think should be given first priority?Write an article for a magazine to express your opinions about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument. You should write no less than 250 words. PETS 5作文:高等教育收费 High education used to be free in china, but now students have to pay. What is your assessment of the changes that have been brought about this innovation?Written an article for a newspaper expressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own idea, knowledge or experience to generation support for your argument. You should write no lees than 250 words
如何快速通过科目三考试一、 上车 口诀:打声报告逆时转,再打报告前后看,上车递证做五件,发动汽车问考官。具体步骤:“报告!”→绕车逆时针看一圈→再“报告!” →前后观察,开门上车→递上身份证:“报告老师,...
法语TCF考试由什么组成TCF考试由必考部分和补充测试组成。外国语法语国家文凭 :外国语法语国家文凭 LES DIPLOME NATIONAUX DE FRANCAIS LANGUE ETRANGERE :共有两种关于外国语法语的国家统一证书:法...
必须掌握法语TCF考试技巧有哪些首先,了解听力材料中主要的人物、语言的背景、具体的情节、抓住关键词、关键句,注重语音、语调。在法语TCF考试前首先要做到多听、多写、多阅读,扎实地打好自己的法语水平。 其...
如何报考法语teftcf考试你好,关于如何报考法语tef/tcf考试 1、登陆报名网站,点击右上角的“点击进入您的Pastel页面”,注册个人账号。如实填写相关信息,依次填写电子邮箱地址、姓、名、密码、确认密码,...
法语考试:TEF和TCF的区别TCF 法语知识测试 (Test de Connaissance du Français )是法国国际教育研究中心组织法文水平考试。 TEF 法语水平考试(Test d'Evaluation de Francais,简称TEF)由法国工商会和法...