[英语口语考试常用问句的完美回答]1. I like my school very much. I enjoy learning different things there. 2. I will give her a big hug tell her and tell her how she is the best mother in the wor...+阅读
Well,I let nature take its course. 别让事情顺其自然。 Leave nothing to accident. 最好是顺其自然,这样,你就不会失望了。 It's best to take the world as you find it,then you won't be disappointed. 任其自然: 1. let things slide 2. let things rip 3. let things go hang 4. let it have its swing 5. drift along>听其自然: let nature take its course Examples: 无论如何我们也只能听其自然。 Be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is. 任其自然发展: let nature take its course
顺其自然:Letting nature take its course
跪求:高考外语口试相关英语句子!急!考生准备回答问题时, “五个W”是最常用的方法, 即 Who-人物?When-时间?Where-地点?What-事件?How-解决方案。因为时间有限,所以,遵循这“五个W”原则,可以在最短的时间内理解文章的...
英语口语考试套用自己来编几句。。。按你说的简单常用。。。 写景(状物) There be.... The sun is shining.(The wind is blowing.等) It is a cloudless(windless等)fine day. It's snowing h...
怎样备考英语四级考试一般情况下准备四级大约一个月的时间。 我的建议是: 1。首先去图书馆借一本或者到书店买一本四级的历年真题来做。把真题练会吃透是比模拟题都有效的。市面上有很多的四级真...
英语四级如何备考先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议: 〖你好,好好学习很高兴为你答疑解惑!〗 1.收听英语气象报告 3.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 4.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 5...
用科技让学习更有趣的英语作文has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and m...
英语练习巩固:用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Our TV set一、 1、was repaired 2、will be built 3、had been bought 4、is;will be held 5、must not be put 6、Is;made 二、 1、The trees are often planted in spring every ye...
正确的英语翻译1, Coordinate the normal operation of the departments in Company, and plan the development. 2, Overall take charge of customer service, security, cleaning, engi...