

01月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我相信你最棒的英语]我相信你最棒的 i believe you are the best believe 后面可以加that从句的,用法跟think,know,hope一样的 i believe that you will come 我相信你会来的 believe in 意思用...+阅读

she will not go to Qindao because she has been there before. 她不会去青岛 ,因为她以前去过. 或者用过去时: she didn't go to Qingdao because she had been there before. 她没去青岛, 因为以前去过了 理由: 做这种题都是要根据语境来选择的,这里很明显,要表达的意思是,她因为去过某地,所以这次不会去了。 have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调有过某种经历 如果我们用will,后面就接have been to 而如果用过去式 didn't go 后面也应换成相应的过去完成时 had been to. 用doesn't 是不可能的 因为一般现在式表示经常性的动作 而这里是说她因为去过 所以不会再去 是表示某一次的行为 再给举个例子 因为我以前看过了,所以昨天我没去看那场电影. I didn't go to see the film yesterday as I had seen it before.


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