[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读
Dont Use Adverbs不要用副词
The adverb is not your friend.Adverbs are words that modify verbs,adjectives,or other adverbs.Theyre the ones that usually end in-ly.With adverbs,the writer usually tells us he or she is afraid he/she isnt expressing himself/herself clearly,that he or she is not getting the point or the picture across.
There are numerous usagerulesregarding the placement of adverbs in prose:one shouldnt split a pound verb or infinitive1 with them(so noto boldly goormust be heartily2 congratulated);
关于在散文中放置有太多的用法规则了:我们不应该让副词出现在复合动词或动词不定式中,因而我们不能说to boldly go或must be heartily congratulated。
One must place them closest to the word they are modifying(so noQuickly the news anchor corrected himself;go withThe news anchor quickly corrected himself);
我们必须要把它放在离其所要修饰的词最近的地方(所以我们不能说Quickly the news anchor corrected himself,而应该是The news anchor quickly corrected himself)。
One shouldnt start a sentence with them,especially if the adverb in question is hopefully;
One should know when to use a flat adverb(like quick inmove quickand safe indrive safe)and when to use an inflected-ly adverb(likequickly move asideandsafely drive the truck);
我们应当知道什么时候用单纯形副词(像是move quick中的quick,drive safe中的safe)什么时候用加ly的副词(像是quickly move aside中的quickly和safely drive the truck中的safely)
Never Use the Passive Voice不要用被动语态
Never use the passive where you can use the active.
English verbs he two voices:active and passive.We use the active voice in sentences like this one,and it shows who is doing the acting3(we are)and what is being acted on(the active voice).But the passive voice is often used in more formal sentences,like this one,where the actorhere,the invisible writer of this sentence,who is the one using the passive voiceis hidden from view.Here are a few examples of sentences written in the active voice and then recast in the passive voice:
The teacher told us to use the active voice.vs We were told to use the active voice.
The police questioned the suspect.vs The suspect was questioned.
I made a mistake.vs Mistakes were made.
Youll notice that the passive voice seems to distance an action from its perpetrator,or it makes the thing being acted on(we,the suspect,andmistakesabove)more important than the doer.For this reason,the passive voice is very mon in more formal writing,where the authors want to keep the perpetrator of the action or the speaker distant.
Never use a verb other thansaidto carry dialogue.永远不要用除了said的动词来进行对话
The line of dialogue belongs to the character;the verb is the writer sticking his nose in.But said is far less intrusive4 than grumbled5,gasped6,cautioned,lied.I once noticed Mary McCarthy ending a line of dialogue withshe asseverated,and had to stop reading to get the dictionary.
This is a rule that is often repeated,something that is supposedly the province ofshowing,not telling.But this is less a rule of writing and more of a personal preference of Leonards.
Of course,lots of these non-said dialogue markers are almost as old as said itself is.Check your dictionary and youll see that dialogue verbs like crow,yell,whisper,and groan7 are contemporaries of said and had ample use in Old English as well as in Modern English.
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