Confucius was the greatest thinker in Chinese history who is very modest. One day he met two little boys who were quarrelling something on his travelling. He was curious and asked: 'Boys, what are you quarrelling about?'
One boy answered: 'We are quarrelling about the distance from the Earth to the Sun.'
'Interesting, tell of about that.' said Confucius.
'We believe the distance from the Earth to the Sun is different in a whole day time.' one boy said, 'in the morning, the temperature is very cool but in the noon it will become as hot as boiling soup. The the thing happen as you close a fire, the closer you are, the hotter you feel. So my conclusion is that the Sun is closer the Earth in the noon than in the mornin.'
'But from my observation, it's completely reversed.' the other boy said, 'as we can see, the Sun in the morning is as big as a wheel but in the noon it will become as small as an egg. So, is it true that the Sun in the morning is closer than in the noon?'
Confucius though. over and said: 'sorry, I don't know this question.'
'It's impossible, you are the most intelligent and erudite man all over the world.' the boys said.
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