

03月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文课《我当小彩民》习作教学设计]孙燕 ]《我当小彩民》这节课是我在五年级语文习作教学中设计的一节生动的作文教研课课,旨在创设新颖的情境,丰富学生的生活经验和写作经验,指导学生一波三折地写出自己的心情变...+阅读

Omit Needless Words.删掉多余的单词

Along with advice about the passive voice and keeping your writing in the same verb tense is this often-quoted axiom:omit needless words.


The question is,of course,whats a needless word and who gets to say?Take this paragraph:


Sitting beside the road,watching the wagon8 mount the hill toward her,Lena thinks,I he e from Alabama:a fur piece.All the way from Alabama a-walking.A fur piece.Thinking although I he not been quite a month on the road I am already in Mississippi,further from home than I he ever been before.I am now further from Doanes Mill than I he been since I was twelve years old.


If we he words in our language(and our dictionaries),then it is because they are needful,not needless.And though we tend to focus on the meaning of words,we cant deny that they can he extra-semantic uses.


Avoid Colloquial9 Language避免口语化

Slang is everywhere.When we use it in everyday life to municate with friends informally,its usually fine.In fact,sounding too formal around our friends is kinda weird10.Slang,or colloquial languageto use the formal termis not appropriate in academic writing and many professional munication situations.


Some writing teachers tell their students to oid certain classes of words:slang,jargon11,new words whose meaning isnt apparent.The idea behind this is that you dont want the words you use to snag the audiences attention and detract from the point youre making.This is a guideline that many of us learn as we go through school,where most of our writing is more formal and academic,and its a good guideline to follow in academic and formal writing.



But context is everything.Sometimes writers and editors will fet that not all writing is academic writing,and theyll expand on the rule a bit to say that one shouldnt use words that arent entered into a dictionary(regardless of what one is writing).但是内容至上。有时候作者和编辑会忘记并非所有的写作都跟学术有关,他们会阐述说不要用字典里不存在的单词。(不管是在写什么)。

Dictionaries follow the language.A new word appears;people begin to use that word more and more;it shows up consistently in edited prose;we eventually enter it into the dictionary.If writers are supposed to oid words that arent entered into the dictionary,then the whole process falls apart at the third step.


In short,keep your audience in mind,but certainly use words that arent in the dictionary.We like reading them as much as we like collecting them.




例1.When one he money,he can do what he want to.



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