

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用英语写的高二英语月考总结]This month examination I did well in Chinese, politics, history, geography and English. That's because I listened to the teacher and did my homework carefully....+阅读

Unit Two I used to be afraid of the dark.useful expressions in this unit SA:used to do sth. 过去经常做某事 be/ get interested in 对…感兴趣 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 be on the swim team 是游泳队成员 be used to do sth 被用来做某事 on /in the swim team 在游泳队里 be afraid of = be terrified of害怕 with the light on 灯开着(做)… be alone 独自一人 (区别be lonely ) speak in front of a group 在一群人前说话/演讲 SB: chew gum 嚼口香糖 these days 目前,如今 not…anymore 不再 =no more not any longer = no longer 不再 go right home 直接回家 spend lots of time playing games chat with sb与…聊天 spend time ( in ) doing sth花时间做 have no time for sth/ to do sth 没时间做某事 miss the old days怀念以前的日子 SC: make sb stressed out 使某人疲惫 move to 搬到 SR: cause trouble /problems for sb 给…带来麻烦 afford to do sth付得起做某事的费用 After his father's death=after his father died 在他父亲死后 as well as she could 尽可能地好=as well as possible. in the end 最后,终于=at last =finally be patient 有耐心 get into trouble with sb与…发生冲突/闹矛盾 make a decision (for oneself) (自己)做决定 leave the school 退学 to one's surprise使某人惊奇的是… even though=even if 即使 be surprised 感到惊奇 take pride in=be proud of 以…而骄傲 in surprise 惊奇地 pay attention to 注意,关注 give up doing sth 放弃做某事.停止做某事 feel good about oneself 自信,自己感觉 Key sentences in Unit 21 .I used to be afraid of the dark.2.What do you do about the dark? I go to sleep with my bed room light on3. Did you used to have straight hair? Yes, I did / No, I didn't4. Did you used to play the piano? Yes, I did / No, I didn't5. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.6. My biggest problem is that I'm too busy.7 .My life has changed o lot in the last few years.8. It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot= Yu Mei seems to have changed a lot 9. The head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother.10. I am afraid of the sea. I don't know how to swim.NO PAIN, NO GAIN 不劳无获



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