[求英文翻译一句话谢谢。。]我现在真是对这件事左右为难,拿不定主意。 I'm torn 可以用,意思就是你不知道该怎么办,无论哪个方法都有它的好处和坏处。。 ① I'm really conflicted over this issue, and c...+阅读
神父:(Groom's Name), do you take (Bride's Name) for your lawful wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? --***就这里了--Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live? --***-- 新郎: I do.
2天能记住1000个英文单词童鞋~2天记住1000个英文单词并非神话,只是有点儿麻烦,所以还是希望你尝试一哈^_^ 方法就是:先制作10个word文档,把这1000个单词和意思都打上去(每个word文档打100个单词和及其意...
四季的问候英文歌曲急急急急急急急!Darin - That Love . Girl, I'm ready now So gimme everything you got I can show you how So I'ma put your love on top . Baby, you You'll be my number one . So man...
问题的英文是什么问题 issue problem question matter trouble 1.(需回答的题目) question; problem solve a problem; 解答问题 ask a question 提问题 2.(需研究解决的矛盾等) problem; matter:...
简单英文怎么说简单 [几种含义] 1. (不复杂) simple; uncomplicated; plain; simplicity: simple in structure; 构造简单 simple-minded; seeing things too simply; 头脑简单 2. (平凡, 多用否...
rungogowe的英文儿歌There comes a time when we heed a certain call (Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇) When the world must come together as one (Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇& Stevie Wonde...
请问电脑的主机用英文怎么说我想你是指电脑系统中除了显示器、键盘之外的那个箱式东东吧,叫做“主机箱”。 “电脑/计算机主机箱” 具体叫法是:computer main processor case 简单叫法是:computer case 如...
未来印象蓝牙音箱怎么把英文转换成中文错误编号: 711 错误信息: 在此计算机上的配置错误阻止此连接。 错误详情: 此问题目前较为纠结 1. 将下面的代码(现在你的桌面上新建个文本文档然把代码复制进去)另存为.bat格式(名...
教父在主持婚礼的时候说的全部完整的话I,[Groom's name],take you [brede's name],to be my wife,my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and fo...
西方结婚时候在教堂里教父说的那段话中英文都要谢牧师说: 新郎ID,doyoutakethiswoman,新娘ID,tobeyourlawfulweddedwife,tolivetogetherintheestateofmatrimony?Willyouloveher,honorher,comfortherandkeepherinsicknessandin...