

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考空乘大学的英语自我介绍怎么写]面试是件很轻松的事情,就像平时的谈话一样,千万不要紧张。这是最重要的,然后你要注意你的礼貌用语,或许面试官注重的并不是你的英语有如何如何好,口语发音有多标准。细节 决定你...+阅读

I like to learn English

Today English is widely used in many countries.So we should learn it well. Here are some tips:

First, we should keep on using English if we want to learn it well.If we often do listening,speaking, reading and writing,we will improve our ability and use the language fluently.

Second, gramma is important.It help us understand and use English well. It is a good way to spend most of our time on gramma. At last,we should pay more attention to reading and writing.Try to have a good

pronunciation. Listening and speaking are closely connected with reading and writing.You can not read or write well unless you are good at istening and speaking.


写一篇关于护士的演讲稿《假如我是患者》 假如我是一名患者,此时我会手捧一束美丽的鲜花,奉献给你——圣洁的白衣天使。 看到你了,我想起了南丁格尔。这位出身名门的女神,在那个战火纷飞的年代,提着一盏...

关于护士的演讲稿尊敬的各位领导、各位代表:大家好! 我叫***,现年xx岁,大专文化,主管护师。1984年7月***卫校毕业,分配到县人民医院从事护理工作,1996年xx医科大学函授高护班毕业,同年晋升为主管护师...



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