[微笑面对挫折的演讲稿600字]亲爱的老师.同学们: 大家好,今天我演讲的题目是《微笑面对失败》。 任何一个成功者都回被人们看做是会做事的的人,人们情不自禁地将羡慕的眼光投向他们。可是,你是否想到,几乎他...+阅读
The Power Of A Smile (微笑的力量)MMM | July 11, 2007 – 11:04 am | So many people underestimate the power and importance of a smile, that simple little facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth. A smile has many meanings: pleasure, friendliness, welcome, amusement, and many more; and it is part of a universal body language that doesn't need any extra interpretation. Plus a smile, with all its simplcity and beauty, can be a very important factor in many aspects of our lives: - You fall in love with a new country you visit because its people greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere you go; other countries you just don't like even though they might have more history, nature, entertainment and whatnot because their people don't seem so friendly or accepting. - You feel like buying from a certain store when the vendor welcomes you in with a smile, sometimes even if you wouldn't intially have bought anything; and in other stores, even though they have exactly what you need or better, you decide to walk away because the vendor doesn't look welcoming at all. - You want to give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile, even if the food turns out not that good; on the other hand, sometimes you'll have some of the best food ever, but you won't feel like giving the waiter a tip, even if you do, because he was grumpy. More and more examples from our everyday life show how much a simple smile can change everything. Forever engraved in my mind will be the smiling faces of the people of Thailand, the friendly pizza delivery boy, the welcoming supermarket vendor, the nice cashier at the bank, …etc. It is these smiles that keep me wanting to go back, and that keep us all wanting to go back; looking at it from another view, if we break it down using business sense, a smile is one of the most effective means to generate sales and develop customer loyalty. On top of all that, a smile is a very simple and easy thing to do, so it amazes why no one bothers to do it, it not only makes the person in front of you better, but it also makes you feel better as well, and I'm not making this up, it has been psychologically proven. Personally, I'd like to see more smiling faces in this world; in the airports when I enter a new country, in companies, government agencies, restaurants, hotels, banks, everywhere; and I think it is up to governments to campaign about this, and even make it obligatory in certain important places like airports, hospitals, hotels…etc. Let's all simply smile. 这篇演讲稿运用了大量高级词汇,如请加最佳。
Smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power. "To retain the life of laughter," tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in the story, a huge smile to show her magic. War, a number of German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general, including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. Two weeks later, he calmed down. He visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him ... ... three months after the date on the blink of an eye later, shot By the time this is a very strange shot: General cite shot on the left hand, right hand to give back to the team that can be a continuation of the war. His turn, he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, this time, his generals to see, he slowly raised his right hand ... ... This is the life-saving force, which is hard to imagine the magic! Every day to a general apology to smile, even from its own bottom line back to the original point of death, this not the great power of a smile? If we are able to smile in the face of every person and every thing, the success or failure of honor in the face with a smile, a smile in the face of all with a smile of genuine spiritual insights better life, it would be very happy and well-being. Jan-mouth, will be able to draw a beautiful arc, which is how simple things! However, we do every day to add a smile to my soul? Did not - did not test test, simply Poguanposhuai; job search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; to buy lottery tickets with the first prize was only a figure on the stomp beat their chests ... ... Strictly speaking, these trivial little too! But sometimes we do these things to worry all day, affecting many of the stem. Smile is a force used to be a smile, a smile used to the things people will not be led by the nose, facial expression is not just a smile or a state of mind, it should be a smile from the heart. The story of the soldiers that if only the blunt expression, that the general will be more than just a pleasing. So smile is a positive state of mind, you have a smile on other people, other people will also answer your smile. Smile is in the hearts of the Yi Shuguang, the hearts of bright, full of hope. Smile is embedded in the heart of love, the magic of love. In the face of your life with a smile! We find that the world is so beautiful. 中文 微笑的力量 微笑,有时可以成为挽留生命的力量。
《挽留生命的笑》讲述了一个发生在战争年代的真实故事,在这个故事中,微笑展现了她巨大的魔力。 战争时期,一些德国兵因犯了极大的错误而被将军关了起来,其中有一名士兵特别想活着出去,但这种可能性太渺茫。他得知,他生命中的死亡通牒已下达了——还有三个月就会被枪毙,于是,他对生存不抱任何希望了。两个星期后,他平静了下来。他 每天都会对着来巡视的将军微笑,将军开始对他不理不睬,后来,对他有了一点好感,并开始和他交谈……三个月后的日子一眨眼就过去了,枪毙的时间到了,这是一种非常奇特的枪毙方式:将军举左手就枪毙,举右手就表示可以回到队伍继续打仗。轮到他了,他双眼紧闭,等待死亡的来临,可这时,将军看到是他,他缓缓地举起了右手…… 这就是挽救生命的力量,这就是难以想象的神奇!每天给将军一个致歉的微笑,居然能把自己从死亡的底线拉回原点,这难道不是微笑的巨大力量? 如果我们都能微笑着面对每一个人、每一件事,微笑着面对成败荣辱,用微笑面对一切,用真正微笑的心灵感悟美好的生活,那将是无比快乐和幸福的。
嘴角一扬,就能画出一道美丽的弧线,这是多么简单的事情!可是,我们真的能每天为心灵添上微笑吗?没有——考试没考好,干脆破罐破摔;求职不成功,便心情低落;买彩票与一等奖只差一个数字,就捶胸顿足…… 严格说来,这些琐事太微不足道了!但有时我们确实为这些事烦恼一整天,从而影响了许多该干的事情。 微笑是一种力量,微笑是一种习惯,习惯于微笑的人不会被小事牵着鼻子走,微笑不仅仅是脸部的表情,还是心灵的状态,微笑应该是发自内心的。故事中的那名士兵如果真的只有生硬的表情,那么,将军一定会认为只是一种讨好而已。 所以微笑是一种积极的心态,你对别人微笑,别人也同样会用微笑回答你。 微笑是心中的一束光,心中有光,则充满希望。
微笑是蕴藏在内心的爱,有魔力的爱。 微笑着面对生活吧!我们会发现,这个世界是那样美好。
急求名为the power of a
In the list of little things that you should not underestimate, a smile should be added: yes, a single smile. Allow me to share with you one of my experiences and the impact of receiving a smile. Surely if it had such a powerful impact on me, there are others who have had similar experiences.It was mid morning or early afternoon, and as I was running a business, I was feeling very down about a lot of things in my life that were not going as I wanted them to. I was depressed and felt that I would have that awful feeling for the rest of the day, or maybe the next day and the day after that.In the parking lot of a shopping center, I started to walk across the path of a car that was approaching rapidly. I stopped, took a couple of steps back and looked at the driver to indicate that I was not attempting to be rude. She brought her car to a stop, motioned2 to me to cross, and smiled. It seemed so simple. It was in that moment of receiving her smile that something magical happened. My spirits immediately lifted and all traces of the blue, depressed and down feeling disappeared. I returned with a smile of my own. It was the least I could do for this perfect stranger, who had brought me out of a dismal time with a mere flash of a smile.I'm sure that this lady who smiled freely without giving it a second thought has no idea of the difference she made in that second. As with her, you never know how you may be positively changing something for someone. So, keep smiling!微笑的力量生活中总有些你不可预知的小事情,其中之一就是微笑。
一篇关于微笑面对失败的演讲稿!在生活中,我们难免有时高兴,有时悲伤,高兴地时候,我们也不必压抑自己的感情,该笑时就笑,让自己充满信心,乐观向上。 俗话说:“笑一笑,十年少,愁一愁,白了头。”因而我们面对生活,应有一...
演讲稿:微笑的面对失败亲爱的老师.同学们: 大家好,今天我演讲的题目是《微笑面对失败》。 任何一个成功者都回被人们看做是会做事的的人,人们情不自禁地将羡慕的眼光投向他们。可是,你是否想到,几乎他...
主题为微笑面对生活的演讲稿(一) 我们在这个多姿多彩的世界里生活,经历过快乐,也有过悲伤,在失败中体会到了人世间的酸甜苦辣,在成功里找到让自己继续前进的自信心。现实的社会里,微笑是人间最真实的语言,失败...
以微笑为主的演讲稿青春需要微笑 各位老师,各位同学: 大家好! 我演讲的题目是:《青春需要微笑》 少年是初升的太阳!朝霞的天空固然美丽,但是,阳光也有被乌云遮挡的时候。青春的帆船也不是一帆风顺的。...
以微笑的演讲稿 600字想要生活的快乐,最重要的就是保持自己的本色。你只能唱你自己的歌,你只能画你自己的画,你只能做一个由你的经验、你的环境和你的家庭所造成的你。不论好坏,你都得自己创造自己的...
有关微笑面对生活的演讲稿微笑面对生活 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!在初三这一个忙碌的学年里能有这个机会让我在这里给大家演讲,实在是一件很荣幸的事。我们在初三这个跟革命相似岁月里,开始阶段已...
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