

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[四年级3月份佳作:《午饭》《造句》]午 饭沙彦诚我和高世杰都是不在学校吃饭的,都是到高级中学食堂吃的,我们都各有一张就餐券。一天,我们正在去高级中学食堂的路上,突然,高世杰想到了一个主意: 我们可以拿你我两...+阅读

I dont know how to say goodbye. Icant think of any words. 我不知道该如何说再会。我不能想出说甚么。2But median cancer free survival time, recurrence rate and far metastasis rate in 3years after surgery for the patients by stage Ⅲ had signif-icant difference betweenthe CH group and the CONT group. Ⅲ期患者术后3年无瘤生存期、复发和远处转移率,化疗组和对照组之间有显著差异。3Developing circular economy and constructing circular society are signif icantstrategic measures for realizing harmonious and sustainable development ofenvironment and economy. 发展循环经济、建立循环型社会是实现环境与经济协调、可持续发展的重要战略举措。4There were signif ˉ icant differences in recurrence interval and numbers of ulcer ( P



If you think you can, you can!

I think I can catch the bus.

I can draw animals in the zoo.


I can't afford it

I can't promise.

You can't talk to a robot.

The baby can't feed itself yet.


Can you jump so high like me ? Yes,I can./No,I can't

Can you hear what I can hear?Yes,I can./No,I can't

Can you get on well with kids?Yes,I can./No,I can't


I can什么写一篇英语作文8句

I can,When i was joung,my mother told me that a angle can be seen in your eyes when you really want it...I have grown up,And finally I know the meaning of that moment,Mother just told me to be strong,and never give up.And all our life is about that.Never give up friends,never give up our relatives,and never...

And now I just want to say,I can play,play the very role I need to play,not for mother,but for myself,not for money,but for my best friends...My good friends,We can help each others,have the same destination in our world,I can play the role...Not for the game,but for the love,the love between you and me...Play just for you ...


用骄傲造句10个。急用为了保卫新中国而牺牲的战士,值得我们替他们骄傲! 骄傲使人落后,虚心使人进步. 她骄傲的听不进去任何人的意见! 今天,爸爸在公交车上勇斗歹徒。我为有个勇敢的爸爸而骄傲! 他这个...

用憧憬造句憧憬怎么造句用憧憬造句憧憬怎么造句 天上的云像一只只洁白的小绵羊大雪像仙女洒下的花瓣,带给人们美好的憧憬。 昨日,绚烂在天边的赤霞,那一抹殷红,过目不忘。那份绚彩的激情,就不容许忘怀。...

用烟花霎时顿时忽然造句年级快快1、烟花 造句:夜空中五彩缤纷的烟花格外耀眼,城市里热闹非凡。 2、霎时 造句:一阵雷声过后,霎时间下起了瓢泼大雨。 3、顿时 造句:说起那次比赛,她顿时眉飞色舞。 4、忽然 造句:看...

用带给带给造句1、战争带给人类的是灾难和贫穷,带给大自然的是破坏和毁灭。 2、烟花的绽放,能带给人难忘的瞬间,同时,也带给人类空气的污染。 3、亲爱的妈妈,多少次您用春风化雨般的爱滋润了我...


年级用只许不许造句1. 袭人笑道:可是你‘只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯’。我们偶然说一句略妨碍些的话,就说是不利之谈,你如今好好的咒他,是该的了。 2. 黛玉笑道:只许你过目成诵,难道我就不能一目十行...

用如同好像造句简单如同,汉语词语,拼音是rú tóng,意思是犹如;好像。 出自冰心 《庄鸿的姊姊》:“我听见了,一阵急痛,如同下到昏黑的地狱一般。” 好像,是汉语词汇,读音为hǎo xiàng,意思是好似 ;有些像...

用如同怎么造句1. 老同学,岁月如同白驹过隙,当年活泼可爱的你眨眼间都满头白发了,想不到你变化这么大! 2. 9小明的作文如同天马行空,大家都看不明白。 3. 我一定会更爱您,如同您爱我们每个人一样...

用神奇美好造句1. 云彩就像一位神奇的魔术师,看她,有时像威风凛凛的老虎,张牙舞爪,扑向小兔子;有时像调皮的小松鼠,翘着大大的尾巴;有时像活泼可爱的猴子抱着香蕉,剥开香蕉的皮津津有味地吃起来了...
