[苏教版三年级上册语文第三单元两只小鸟作文]森林与鸟笼 从前,有两只小鸟。他们长大后就飞向了不同的地方,两只小鸟各飞向了树林和鸟笼。 飞翔林子的小鸟在树林里飞来飞去,一边飞一边找吃的,可是找了好长时间还是一无所获。...+阅读
i have a wide range of interests and enjoy doing many things in my free time. i am a lover of reading. i often read after in my spare time. i read many kinds of books and newspaper. i like the stories and news in them very much. there are a lot of knowledge and interesting things also. i am also a music lover. i like all kinds of music. i often listen to the music programs on radio. although i can't sing english songs well, i like them a lot. i like sports as well. i often play badminton after classes in the afternoon. i often run in the morning. when i am doing sports, i forge all my trouble and worry. of course, sports can also help me in building my body. in short, i enjoy my life here in school. reading books, listening to music and doing sports are very helpful to my health and my studies....
用英语怎么说到15岁是reach还是catchreach fifteen 到十五岁。 到十五岁 By the age of fifteen 双语对照 双语例句 1 他妻子的年龄比他小十二到十五岁。 His wife was twelve or fifteen years younger than h...
对英语演讲的点评It's terrific to see you dress formally and well prepared for the speech, and your poster is well done as well. however, you need to make more eye contact with...
求饮水思源的作文!高中议论文哦!饮水思源 俗话说:“饮水思源头,吃果子拜树头。”这句话告诉我们的正是“感恩知福,饮水思源”的道理。从来到这个世界开始,我们就受尽众人的付出与恩惠。我们在父母的期待和笑语...
大学作文。。。饮水思源知恩报恩泰戈尔名言给我们的启示 800五月的鲜花,开遍了原野。 五月的人间,弥漫着芬芳。 五月的第二个周末,是全天下母亲的节日。 如果你是一位母亲,在这一天, 可能会收到孩子们送来的一束康乃馨。 为人的子女,籍此传...
求作文高分!毕业典礼上的演讲稿——我们学校高三毕业典礼时我的语文老师的演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 今天的聚会,既是毕业电典礼,又是战前誓师。为你们顺利完成高中学业而祝贺,...
英语高手进帮我翻译About 35 percent of the students think that we should take first consideration to personal interest,for it is the mother of success, and being forced to learn w...