

01月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[短英文笑话五年级]TOM'S EXCUSE Teacher: Tom, why are you late for school every day? Tom: Every time I come to the corner, a sign says, "School-Go Slow". 汤姆的借口 老师:汤姆,您为什么...+阅读

Good morning. My name is Jessia. I am a graduate of Beijing University. I have majored in English Literature. As an English major, I've more chances to practise English. I do love this language and hope to find a job in which I can use English. Also, I've taken some courses in economics and business adminisration. If I am lucky enough to be accepted by your company, I am sure it will be the best position for me to make use of what I've learned. I know trading companies have become more and more competitive here, and a job requiring responsibility is a good challenge to me. To be sure, there are many things I must learn in this trade. But if there is a chance, I would be glad to take it. Thank you very much!


五年级英文笑话15秒Three explorers There are three explorers found "valley of hope". It is said that you will be able to get what you want if you shout three things you want and the...

兴趣的英文的动词形式interest 英[ˈɪntrəst] 美[ˈɪntrɪst, -tərɪst, -ˌtrɛst] n. 利息; 兴趣,爱好; 利害关系,利益; 趣味,感兴趣的事; vt. 使产生兴趣; 使参与,使加入; 引起…的意愿; 使产生关系; [...

兴趣广泛的的英文怎么说兴趣广泛的的英文: catholically 参考例句: A man of multiple interests 兴趣广泛的人His interests are manifold. 他的兴趣广泛。He was a very spirited, sentimental ene...

爱好的英文单词在怎么说爱好的英文单词有hobby与interest。具体释义如下: 一、hobby英 [ˈhɒbi] 美 [ˈhɑ:bi] n.业余爱好;嗜好,兴趣;小马 hobby的基本意思是“嗜好,业余爱好”,指人们在工作时间以外所...

跪求以珍惜时间为主题的英文演讲稿急 !中文 时间就是生命,鲁迅先生说:“浪费自己的时间等于慢性自杀,浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命。”这就说明了珍惜时间的重要性。 时间对于学者来讲:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴...

奥运会礼仪介绍写一个演讲稿北京奥运会通用礼仪介绍作者: 第一章 礼仪综述 一、礼仪的含义 1. 礼的含义 据考证,礼仪在我国古代是敬奉神明的。“礼”字在甲骨文中就有。“礼”字在古代与“履”字相通,意思...



如何用英文自我介绍Hello,everyone.My name is lichenglin.I'm very glad to stand here and introduce myself to you.I come from baoding,in hebei province.I'm 17 years old.I'm a little...
