

12月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[跪求!关于介绍中国的英文演讲]开头:Staggeringly vast and a land of great diversity, China, the world's most populous and third largest nation is more like a continent in itself than a country...+阅读

Good morning. It is my honour to come here for this interview.

First let me introduce myself to you. My name is Wendy. I am 17 years old, and was born in Jinan, Shandong Province. I was graduated from ** Middle School.

I am always studying hard, and I have achieved lots of fruitful results, including many certifications.

I am optimistic and open-minded. I have made a lots of good friends in my school.

In my spare time, I like reading and listening to the music. Sometimes, I also like to play basketball.

I hope I have the chance to enter the school. And I also believe that where there is a will, there is a way.

That is all. Thanks for your attention.


英文简历自我介绍Hello, my name is Yan Ping Lai, (我的名字是赖艳平)。 I'm from Jiang Xi Province. (来自江西新余) I have eight years of working experience. (工作了8年) I'm an easy going...

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高中英语演讲比赛开幕词请帮忙修改Good afternoon,teachers and students.I'm very honoured to be the host of today's competition and give the opening speech to all of you. Firstly,thank you for co...

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教师面试的自我介绍要英文的并且富有音频简单点Greeting first. Thanks for giving you this opportunity. And then give a brief introduction of yourself, including: 1. education background 2. working experience...

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对外汉语教师面试的英文自我介绍My name is ***, I born on August 21, I am twenty-five years old.My hometown is Beijing, the capital of China. I graduated from Beijing Language and Culture Univ...

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