[我的大学生活演讲稿]亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 在此,我将向大家说出我的梦想,几个像梦一样的理想,在今天我祈祷我的梦想能让上帝听到,放飞到天堂。 有理想并为之奋斗的人一定是坚强的人,有梦想并陶...+阅读
Collage is the door to the society,so is the door to our heart.Upon my step into the university's gate,I was totally fascinated by the tall exprimental building and the grand library.I could even wait to join the parties and associations which I read from the notice board.It seemed like that the collage life was so good that I might be completely stuck and didn't want to graduate.
But is our collage a harbor or a haven for us to enjoy?We just celebrate that we've escaped high school and hard word but we forget what we're in the collage for.For enjoyment?For pleasure?Or for our future. Everyone has had a test before to see wether we can outstand from the millions.We passed the collage entrance exam and we're here.But now we're have another test to see wether we can get rid of the lure,wether we can indure the loneliness.If we win,we pass.If we fail,we fail.
At this time I want to assure me that every activity I take in the collage is not just for fun.Study a little bit harder,and grow a little bit stronger.
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