[我最熟悉的人三年级作文340字]【我最熟悉的人】 我最熟悉的人之一:林保俤教练。他有一身的好品质,如:耐心、慈祥、平易近人。我最喜欢教练,因为曾经有过一件事。 这件事得从我刚来时讲起。那时,我非常的胆小,但...+阅读
What would a good city look like? To make a better city, planners aimed at creating a city in which the insalubrious environment and social structure would be defeated by a reordering of physical and social arrangements, so that all the citizens could attain the benefits of beauty, community, and democracy. In Harvey's opinion, the better city should confront on the postmodernist challenge to political economy, and deal with environmental sustainable. However I think green buildings could make good cities, and also citizens will have a best quality of life. According to the World Green Building Council's definition, “to significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and on the building occupants, green building design and construction practices address: sustainable site planning, safeguarding water and water efficiency, energy efficiency, conservation of materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality.”The green building, which is sustainable in the built environment, can reduce environmental impact but also provide better buildings. The technologies associated with green buildings include: -Energy conservation -Water conservation -Material selection -Use of renewable materials -Occupant health and indoor environment quality -Site ecology -Recycling The green building can be residential, commercial, retail and industrial buildings. For example, the green building uses water-mining plant to recycle water on toilet flushing, watering the garden, and washing cars. The building also uses phase-change materials for cooling, automatic night-purge windows, wavy concrete ceilings, which saves a lot of money and become more sustainable. The idea of green and healthy cities is becoming more important nowadays. The better city should be planed for health and well-being by planners, and they will mainly focus on service facilities, educations. The good city will also need to be safe in community, and make community more walkable, and has an urban design with exquisite streetscape. However the planner keeps developing new ideas of how cities should be changed, therefore the city will become more livable and sustainable in the future. Reference: Susan S. Fainstein, can we make the cities we want? The urban movement Richard Reed and Sara J. Wilkinson (Oct, 2006) Green building-issues for the valuation process, Uiversity of Melbourne
三年级作文我最熟悉的一个人 20个字我最熟悉的人就是我的妈妈,她虽然长得不是很漂亮,却有着高尚的品格。 记得一个星期六的早上,妈妈带我乘的士到学校上奥数课2113。到学校时,妈妈没有零钱,就给了的士司机100元,的士...
小学生三年级作文我最熟悉的人怎么写我最熟悉的人 说到我熟悉的人嘛,有很多,比如:我的爸爸、妈妈、奶奶、姐姐等等等等。可是,我最熟悉的人还是她——一个性格古怪的少女。究竟是谁,我先卖个关子。 她,是一个内向又调...
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