

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[HTML背景音乐代码和带背景音乐的网页代码要兼容多浏览器的最好]<object data="music.mp3" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="0" height="0"&gt; //定义数据文件(包含路径),类型和高宽等信息 <param name="src" value="music.mp3"&gt; //添加参数,参数...+阅读

歌手:humperdinck engelbert 专辑:step into my life I would cry - I would die if you leave girl I've been losing the best part of me Yes, I know we can make it together There's some things that just have to be Let me take you take the moon Humperdinck Engelbert We can capture a star I you need love like I do Heaven is not too far I wanna rock you in my wildest dreams I wanna kiss you baby endlessly I wanna love you with all my heart and all my soul Until I lose control I wanna rock you in my wildest dreams I tell you something if you give in without a fight We can make a start tonight There's an ache in my heart when I see you The power you own over me And I know it will never stop flowing Now, we're locked in our own fantasy You're like an endless flame And I'm burning with desire I can feel the magic of your kiss Setting me on fire 歌手:twisted sister 专辑:from brimba [ti:i wanna rock] [ar:twisted sister] [al:from brimba] i wanna rock, rock i wanna rock, rock i want to rock, rock i wanna rock, rock turn it down you say,well all i gotta say to you is time and time again i say no no no no no no tell me not to play well all i gotta say when you tell me not to play i say no no no no no no so if you ask me why i like the way i play there's only one thing i can say to you i wanna rock, rock i wanna rock, rock i want to rock, rock i wanna rock, rock there's a feeling that i get from nothing else and there aint nothing in the world that makes me go, go go go go go go turn the power up i've waited for so long so i can hear my favorite song so lets go, go go go go go go when it's not this i feel the music shooting through me there's nothing else that i would rather do i wanna rock, rock i wanna rock, rock i want to rock, rock i wanna rock, rock i wanna rock, rock,rock rock,rock i wanna rock, rock i want to rock, rock.rock,rock,rock i want to rock.rock.rock.rock


我要网页背景音乐代码加音乐关闭按扭type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&;sbp=mediaplayer&ar=media&sba=plugin&" name="MediaPlayer" autostart="1" def...


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