

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文示范大全]My friend is li cheng wei. He is as old as me. He is taller than me. But my stronger than him. He likes singing. I likes singing too. I like my friend very mach...+阅读

1.现在进行时 be(am, is, are) doing

(1)i'm having lunch

(2) he is watching TV

(3) he is playing football

(4) he is doing homework

(5) the bird is flying

2.一般现在时 be/do/does

(1) he is a boy

(2) the sun is red

(3) she is my mum

(4) i am a student

(5) i hate you

3. 一般过去时

(1) he was my grandpa.

(2) he went to school

(3) i was young

(4) the light was off

(5) i loved him

4. 现在完成时

(1) i have already received the email.

(2) he has got the book.

(3) i have already had lunch \



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