[要组建一个广告平面设计团队如何写计划书]参考参考:优秀团队组建12321法则 无论是操作一个产品还是管理一片区域,甚至只是组建一个最基本的社区工作小组,如何招聘到优秀的合适的人才一直是管理者最头痛的问题。笔者在产...+阅读
给你篇范文,是高中生的学习计划。但学习计划的格式大小雷同,严禁抄袭哦。。虽然个人感觉以下写的不咋滴,但是你可以参考下:STUDY PLAN Dear Visa Officer:I'm the applicant XXX who's been admitted to the English Language and Culture Program of Simon Fraser University. Hereby I sincerely apply for a student visa so that I can continue my education in Canada.I was born in a small village of Gansu Province which was poor and backward in the past. My parents decided to move to XXX City when I was very young since the capital city of XXX Province can absolutely offer more job opportunities and better education. Thanks to the experienced teachers and good academic atmosphere, I acquired a lot of basic knowledge, achieved good results in the examinations, and I'm proud to say that I am one of the top students in our school.Now, I am a 12 grade student who's studying at XXX Foreign Language Senior Middle School with good achievements. Even though I am confident about my personal study ability, I'm not so sure about my future after I graduate from a Chinese university. The graduates are always good at taking exams but not able to work under pressure, lack of ability to solve problems, all of these have been reported through TV and newspapers. The drawback of examination-oriented education has been a hot issue for quite a long time, but it seems that no appropriate solution has been carried out. On the contrary, the advanced education system of Canada with a long standing reputation has been widely circulated all over the world. People admire Canada's education system and delicate scenery as well as its safe environment for international students. So, my families all agreed with my decision of choosing Canada as my destination because they trust in Canada, the bilingual country, will improve and change me.XXX University is one of the famous universities in the world, I believe that if I can study in the university I could gain sufficient knowledge, make a lot of friends, and fully develop myself. There is a saying says that “A good beginning is half done”, definitely, the study experience in SFU indicates a bright future.As I mentioned at the very beginning, I've been admitted to the English Language and Culture Program of ****University. In the period of this Language and Culture Program, I will take every chance to practice and learn English, get familiar with the culture of Canada, make me totally adapt to the society. After finishing the courses of the ELC Program, I'll apply for the undergraduate program in XXX University. The knowledge obtained in China and the English Proficiency acquired in Canada will definitely help me enter the world-famous university--XXX .After my graduation from SFU, I will come back to China and help my father with his business. With the development of high-technology, Globalization and informatization of an enterprise is an irresistible trend in the whole world. English proficiency and professional skills will be my great advantages to help in our family business, I will devote myself into the management of our company, and I have the confidence to make our company stronger and more competitive. I do believe that I will lead a happy life in my motherland due to the experiences I earned in Canada.Thank you for your reading and support for my visa application.Best regards.Yours sincerely XXX , the applicant May 29, 2012
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