[雅思写作常用的高分句型有哪些]雅思写作常用高分句式 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 Although this view is wildly held,this is little...+阅读
表示并列的雅思作文连接词有:First / second / last, also, and, as well as, at the same time, equally important. 例如:It seems that the experience we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this 中的 and 表示的就是并列关系。...
雅思(IELTS),即国际英语语言测试系统,现已成为得到最广泛认可的最高级英语语言能力测试。IELTS写作第二部分的考试要求体现在四项评分标准上,其中一项就是衔接与连贯。然而, 受限于传统的英语写作教学方式,中国考生普遍缺乏关于衔接与连贯的基本概念,进而在指代,省略连接和词汇衔接这些衔接手段的使用中频频暴露出问题,严重影响了考试成绩。好的衔接可以增强连贯,不好的衔接破坏连贯。本文欲剖析考生的语篇意识并提高在衔接与连贯这方面的写作能力。 1. 连接词汇在文中的运用 连词作为文章中最直接的衔接标记,自然举足轻重,恰当的连词能使文章层次结构更加清晰.在雅思写作中,主要连词形式分别用于引出论点(启),连接分论点(承), 引导对立观点(转),以及总结观点(合)四个方面.既要做到有意识地,敏感地使用不同种类连词,又要适当与评分标准中的词汇考察相结合,选择书面并有多样的连贯词汇。
(1) 启: In the first place, To begin with, (2) 承: In addition, Additionally, Apart from this, Also Another issue is that……/ Another equally important issue is that….
(3) 转: However, Nevertheless, On the other hand, Yet Although……..
(4) 合: To sum up, All in all, In conclusion, It is reasonable to assume that……/ It follows therefore that…. 2.高级连贯方式 一篇高分范文总能在准确使用一些中规中矩的连词的同时,恰如其分的运用到各种复杂语言点,从而更加高质量的完成文章的意连。连贯远不止于两三个连接词汇,而是真正在于小句之间的连贯,在于如何以清晰明了的方式呈现作者的思路与逻辑,以达到写作的真正目的,即准确传达Ideas, 从而make you understood.相反,若总是把各个句子生硬拼凑,除了给人以思路零散的感觉,更不利于在考试中取得理想成绩。那么,想要既衔接地自然,就必须从段落思路扩展方式着手,做到不露痕迹的意连。以下仅举一些典型示例。
(1)插入语的使用 适当展现符号的魅力,既能起到很好的补充说明的作用,又能显示语法的纯熟。此类语法在文章中的运用可以和不可避免的扩展方式-----例证法相结合,加强考生使用时的敏感度。想让一个论点具体而不空洞,举例无疑是极好的选择,往往由For example,/ For instance,引导。若想连贯方式地道又有新意,可以将此连贯短语插入之后的主句主语之后。 例如: For example, an increasing number of students choose to study abroad to further their education. 修改后:An increasing number of students, for example, choose to study abroad to further their education. (2) 原因及结果状语从句 状语从句虽不复杂,但却能起到非常自然的小句连接的效果。任何一个论点若想扩展清晰和透彻,最好的方法便是因果推理法。上下意的拓展不仅能让考生保持清晰的写作思路,更能让考官感受到论证地色彩。 例如:Since/ As students are mentally immature, they are less likely to resist the temptation in the real world. Students can accumulate some hands-on experience through part-time jobs, so that they can become more independent and sociable. (3) 分词的使用 分词更能体现文章的精练和地道.既能避免冗长的语言,又能完美地连接不同的语意。拿对比这一常用的思路扩展方式来举例。若想使论点具有说服力,可以尝试寻找对应的参照物相比较,在所选参照物明显的不足面前,本来事物的优点会立刻容易被人信服。在引导对比立场的同时,可以有意识的显示语法的多样性。 例如: Compared with traditional letters, e-mails will be faster and more convenient. (4) 定语从句 定语从句写法不算困难,但用于句与句连接的非限制性定语从句往往能显示更不凡的连贯效果。它可以将两个简单句轻松转成逻辑清晰的从句形式。例如在扩展思路时有时当前一句意思不够明确时,可以选择解释说明法来深入阐述。表达“这意味着”的连贯方式除了写成in other words,也可写成“,which means that…”的形式。 例如:Online learning can avoid unnecessary distraction, which means that students can really focus on their course. 以上方式的讲解旨在提高考生对连贯这一评分标准的重视度,并启发考生在写作时真正做到形连和意连的完美结合。
答案出自留学专搜的雅思吧,留学专搜的雅思吧是一个文明的学习分享经验的空间。。并列(and)关系类A, 排序 (sequencing)起:first of all in the first place to begin with first(ly)… the first (reason) is 承:after this/that then following this/that afterwards 合:finally/eventually B, 递进(reinforcing)Also besides furthermore In addition moreover what's more not only…but also…C, 等同(equating)In the same way likewise… similarly…….. accordingly… equally important… D, 总结(summarising)In conclusion in summary in short lastly to conclude finally to sum up E, 举例(referring)For example for instance in particular Particularly such as that is to say Namely a (good) case in point to illustrate… is …F, 结果(showing results)As a result consequently hence so Therefore thereby thus for this reason Leads to cause选择(or)类A, 推断(inferring)In other words in that case then (or) else otherwiseB, 替换(giving alternatives) Alternatively then againC, 重复(restating) In other words that is to say to put it simply转折(but)类A, 比较/对比(contrasting) Conversely in comparison in contrast to this Instead nevertheless however on the contrary On the other hand … whereas… B, 让步(conceding)Afeter all all the same even if … while Although/though/even though however stillIn spite of / despite this/ that nevertheless nonetheless
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英语六级写作必备逻辑词有哪些汇总虽然:although, despite, though, while, as Although:位于句首; Though:位于主句后; Despite:在“虽然”中,唯一的介词; While: 必须置于主句之前; As: 形容词,副词,名词(单数可数名词用...
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