

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语书面表达新学期要到了写一篇有关新学期的计划讲述一下]The new term is coming ,and l have made a plan about my new term . To study math better l plan to do ten excises every day .And listen English songs every day t...+阅读

Usually in daily life...

I don't even know how to describe that.

well,get up at around 6,and then just the typical stuff.Brush my teeth,comb my hair,and then breakfast time.isn't that normal.then time to go to school.not boring enough.ah,..

classes are fine to me,math,chinese,the English,chemitry and phsics to go...the homework awaits.it's just my day.maybe sometimes,after class ,have some little conversations with my classmates,and play some games or go to the playground have a PE class.

It's all about ur attitude to look a ordinayr day like this,if u look it on the nice side,probably u think it's such an ideal day for some children in the rural place never dreamed of.but if u hate it,life won't turn the other way to make you happy.

It's my daily life,and i already chose this,which I wanna make it a better one in the future!


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