

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求轻松时刻的背景音乐越多越好尽量使英文的提供的越多悬赏越多]63背景音乐 【Doo Be Di Boy-Smile】 【Applause-Lady Gaga】 【Don't Wanna Go Home-Quick Quick Danger】 【Sugar Rush-Cash Cash】 【Curiosity- Carly Rae Jepsen】 【...+阅读

In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes 我不真的凭我的眼睛来爱你, For they in thee a thousand errors note; 在你的身上我看见了到千处错误; But `tis my heart that loves what they despise 但我的心却爱着被眼睛所轻视的, Who in despite of view is pleased to dote. 溺爱着,不理睬面前的景象。 Nor are mine ears with thy tongue`s tune delighted; 我的耳朵不听你舌尖传出的愉悦的音色; Nor tender feeling to base touches prone 我那期待着爱抚的敏感的触觉, Nor taste nor smell desire to be invited 我的味觉,我的嗅觉,都不愿出席 To any sensual feast with thee alone. 你的个人的任何感官的宴会。

But my five wits nor my five senses can 可是我所有的智慧或五感却不能 Dissu... 在你的身上我看见了到千处错误, Who in despite of view is pleased to dote, Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man 我的心不受统治。 Nor are mine ears with thy tongue`s tune delighted。 But my five wits nor my five senses can 可是我所有的智慧或五感却不能 Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee 说服一个痴心不爱你,我的身体失去了灵魂,我的嗅觉. 你的个人的任何感官的宴会; Nor tender feeling to base touches prone 我那期待着爱抚的敏感的触觉, That she that makes me sin awards me pain,都不愿出席 To any sensual feast with thee alone. 溺爱着, Nor taste nor smell desire to be invited 我的味觉,不理睬面前的景象; But `tis my heart that loves what they despise 但我的心却爱着被眼睛所轻视的。

Only my plague thus far I count my gain 然而我只能将我爱情的悲苦视作一种益处, Thy proud heart`s slave and vassal wretch to be. 甘愿做你那颗高傲的心的奴隶; 我的耳朵不听你舌尖传出的愉悦的音色, For they in thee a thousand errors noteIn faith I do not love thee with mine eyes 我不真的凭我的眼睛来爱你


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