Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment2013年已经被SCI踢出,目前不属于SCI收录,不知15年会不会回来,查询清楚后谨慎投稿吧,
期刊名 Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment
近四年影响因子: 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度
无 0.435 0.517 0.425
出版社或管理机构 ISSN号:1459-0255
杂志简介/稿件收录要求 The Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE) publishes peer-reviewed, original research, critical reviews or short communications in food science & technology, human nutrition, animal science, agriculture, and environment, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary studies in the fields of food, agricultural, and environmental interfaces. The journal considers manuscripts on biotechnology, ethical and socioeconomic issues related to modern agricultural or environmental sciences.