[什么是写作手法什么又是表现手法]艺术手法,也称“表现手法”。作家、艺术家在创作中所运用的各种具体的表现方法。在文学创作中,有叙述、描写、虚构、烘托、渲染、夸张、讽刺、抒情、议论、对比等手法。 1、表...+阅读
Mr. Deacon:
Thank you for your September 13 letter, glad to hear that your company's manager, Mr. McLane has accepted our invitation to visit to Beijing next month on the 5th, when we will be able to discuss in detail the next five years the two sides co-operation, in particular, is a joint venture construction materials processing plants problem.
Invited to telephone or fax this exact flights, our Deputy General Manager Mr. Chen Yongbo will go to the airport.
Sincerely hope that Mr. McLane's visit a pleasant and fruitful.
Beijing Building Materials Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Manager
September 20, 2009.
(This letter will be sent to Germany and France Frank Rich City, Third Avenue 69 Gobbi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., with its overseas business department head, manager, for managers, the letter is enclosed to schedule the visit of Mr. McLane. Typists First Name letters to wbx; Beijing Building Materials Co., Ltd. The address is: Beijing's West Third Ring Road North, wa A-6 Zip Code is 100081)
英国留学毕业如何写作好英文求职信英文求职信写作的技巧秘笈1 写好英文求职信的开头首先应该表明你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,如: (1)In answer to your advertisement in(媒体名称,括号里只...
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