[写新学期打算打算英语急急急回答有几分]My New-term Plan Summer holiday is going on.But the vacation is too short,my new-term will come faster.Oh,I should make a New-term Plan ,because I must get read...+阅读
1. In my opinion, retirement life would make old people feel bored, you
know, because they used to occupy themselves with work and responsibility, but
after they retired, they have forty hours or even more free time. I guess it is
a difficult change for them and their time management. They would feel empty
without work I suppose.
2. Many old people look after their grandchildren after they retire, as far
as I'm concerned. There after also some groups of old people playing TaiChi and
do other sorts of exercise in the parks. Some old people devote themselves to
community works, while some others spend most of their time in the gardens.
Feel free to call me when you need more answers about IELTs speaking or writing. My IELTS band is 7.5.
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