[Enging商务英语学习课程有哪些]Enging商务英语学习有很多课程,主要是学习不同场合中使用的口语表达方式,并学习相关的question & answer。可以正确的表达自己的观点。商务课程,在商务工作中会碰到各种各样的...+阅读
lookfor looklike lookback lookforwardto(doing) lookblack lookbule lookabout lookon lookthrough lookafter lookdownon lookout lookup lookwell comeupwith comedown thinkof thinkover thinkof thinkabout pickup haveatry havearest tryon tryout allover largenumbersof anumberof nomatter giveup giveback eversince eventhouth evenif asif theOlympicGames sofar sothat beacuseof cometrue comeon comeover slowdown sitdown standup beproudof bepleasedwith beafraidof beamazedat beangrywith beableto beworthdoing bemadein bemadeof beusedfor befullof befilledwith bebusydoing beexcitedabout benervous bequiet speakhighlyof notonlybutalso cutdown makeacontributionto dowellin begoodat assoonaspossible assoonas aslittleas asmuchas aslongas aswell allkindsof apieceofcake keepdoingsth. enjoydoingsth. finishdoingsth. likedoingsth. perfertodoratherthando perfertodo regardas payfor spendon Ittakessb.sometimetodosth. practisedoingsth. coralreef InnerMongolia NewZealand cleanup onearth infact inthisway rushout openup NewJersey turndown turnup turnoff turnon takeoff takeon puton putoff putup putdown checkup check-out goover baseon liveon onceuponatime beforelong longbefore longlongago alongtimebefore givebirthto makeamistake makeadesition makeadiscussion makesb.dosth. makesure writingbrush aTVset onshow ondisplay onearth onwatch GobiDesert humanbeing hearof runaway pointto pointat thanksto handin themore,thebetter moreorless sendup sendto shutdown setupone~smindtodo hourafterhour multiplyby atthebeginningof attheendingof bytheendof bythetime attheendof attheageof atlast atleast moreandmore ratherthan begone~spardon wearout creditcard aplaceofinterest dropoff forever PekingOpera theGreatHallofthePeople thePalaceMuseum makeupone~smindtodo atsea two-story mobilephone deservetodo midfieldplayer shotat shotto carryon workout nevermind fromnowon fromthattimeon fromthenon sinkorswim handsup trapon self-respect 由于明天还要考试,我要准备考试,五一放假时,我再继续提供词组,好吗? 我继续给你提供,好吗? abitof afew amomentlater apairof afterawhile againandagain allbeoneself enjoyoneself anymore asusual atonce asas assoonas atmidnight attheheadof atthemoment beawake befamousfor befedupwith beinterestedin catchupwith comealone cometooneself doone~sbest eatup eitheror neithernor fallbehind falloff findout firstofall getoff getback geton getonwellwith getondoingsth. gowrong haveacold haveacough haveagoodtime haveaheadache hereandthere highjump longjump holdasportsmeeting infront intheend inthefuther intime insteadof justthen knockat knockon laughat lookout lookup lotsof makeanoise makefaces makeone~swayto makeroomfor neckandneck nolonger notanylonger notas/soas onone~swayto outof theSummerPalace passon playajokeon quarralwith readingroom runaway soonerorlater standinline steeringwheel stopfrom takeaseat takeanactivepartin takecareof takeexercise takeone~splace taketurns teachoneself throwabout toone~ssurprise tooto waitingroom waitfor wakeup welldone agreewith allthesame allthetime alltheyearround akefor atbreakfast atthesametime attimes belatefor beborn bytheway comeout fieldtrip getmarried gettogether giveaconcert givenname goback gofishing goboating goskating gohiking growup hadbetter(do) haveto helpyourselfto hearfrom holdon hurryup inahurry intheopenair justnow lastfrom lateron lessthan slowdown nomatter morethan moringpaper moveto nextto ontheleft/rightside ontime ringup take/leaveamessage thedaybeforetomorrow thedayaftertomorrow tripover turnover upanddown awasteoftime writedown allright athome atschool comein familytree gohome havealook haveaseat haveasupper Hereyouare Howareyou? Howdoyoudo! howmany inEnglish Let~sgo. Letmesee. middleschool overthere Thisway,please. verymuch watchTV Whatabout? YoungPioneer 上面所有的词组,是我找了四本英语书,外加一本质量检测的词组,当然,有一些词组是重的,但是,我相信这些词组肯定足够了. --------------------北大为您服务
商务英语专业主干课程都有哪些英语语音SIS 英语语法SIS 英语精读Ⅰ 英语泛读Ⅰ 英语听力Ⅰ 英语口语Ⅰ 英语口语Ⅱ 英语听力Ⅱ 国际贸易理论 英语泛读Ⅱ 英语精读Ⅱ 英语精读Ⅲ 专业主干 269053 英语泛读...
商务英语课程中都包含哪些内容你要看在哪家培训机构培训了,每家培训机构所设置的商务英语课程都不一样,比如北外针对企业的商务培训课程就包括:商务英语口语和商务英语写作。 其中商务英语口语包含:商务交际...
英语专业商务方面选修课程我是商务英语专业的毕业生,就就业形势分析,给你一些建议: 首选商务英语翻译,其次为市场营销英语。 下面说明原因: 1.现在优秀的翻译人才还是很吃紧的,但是口译的话,很难学,全靠一门...
商务英语学的课程有哪些介绍选择口语标准的美籍外籍师资,最近我学习的学习中心 l on l 成果是挺.好. 叫ABC 英语(商贸英语方向) 培养目标:本方向培养具有较扎实的英语语言基础知识和深厚的英汉语言和文...
小学到初中英语句型有哪些?一. 词汇 ⑴ 单词 1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of 1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如: in our class 在我们班上 in my bag 在我的书包里 in the desk 在桌子...
英语翻译英美文学比较文学专业的研究生们你们三年都学什确实是外国语学校会更好点。导师更重要,可是有名气的导师,他那个专业肯定报的人多,分也高,比如黄源深,随便举个例子,要是想一次考研成功,请慎选。 翻译:翻译研究、翻译学 开设学校:北...
用英语写一封家庭介绍信Dear XXX: It's my honor to write you, I live in a house with my parents and my grandparents.My father is handsome and full of knowledge.And my mom has a kindly...
提供一些关于初中生课外的常用的英语单词或句子课本里没有的展开全部 给你几个谚语好了。 No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。 No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。 No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获...
初中英语的重点短语stop+ to do stop doing sth finish doing need to do need doing sth start to do \doing help sb. do sth can't help todo \doing hear to do/doing borrow sb from sth...