[没关系所有的英文]it is my pleasure. you are welcome! That is all right./(似与That's Ok基本一致 ) not at all. (Please )do not mention it.请不用客气。 "It's my pleasure."是"这是我应该...+阅读
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la x2 Everyday I fight for All my future somethings A thousand little wars I have to choose between I could spend a lifetime Earning things that I don't need But that's like chasing rainbows And coming home empty And if you strip me,Strip it all away If you strip me,What would you find If you strip me,Strip it all away I'll be alright Take what you want Steal my pride Build me up Or cut me down to size Shut me out But I'll just scream Im only one voice in a million but you aint taking that from me Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 3 you aint taking that I don't need a microphone, yeah,To say what I've been thinking My heart is like a loudspeaker Thats always on eleven And if you strip me,Strip it all away If you strip me,What would you find If you strip me,Strip it all away I'm still the same Take what you want Steal my pride Build me up Or cut me down to size Shut me out But I'll just scream Im only one voice in a million but you aint taking that from me Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 3 you aint taking that'cuz when it all boils down At the end of the day It's what you do and say That makes you who you are Makes you think about it,Think about it Doesn't it Sometimes all it takes is one voice Take what you want Steal my pride Build me up Or cut me down to size Shut me out But I'll just scream Im only one voice in a million but you aint taking that from me Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 3 you aint taking that Take what you want Steal my pride Build me up Or cut me down to size Shut me out But I'll just scream Im only one voice in a million but you aint taking that from me Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 3 you aint taking that La la la la la la la la la la la la la la x2***end***
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