

09月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中小学生受资助的最新精选五篇感谢信]关于中小学生受资助的感谢信范本1 敬的丹东移动通讯公司的叔叔、阿姨: 你们好! 在这春暖花开的季节里我要向你们表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢,并真诚的祝愿你们工作顺利,万事如...+阅读


(考试时间:60分钟 满分:40分)

一、 找出下列单词的反义词。

dirty far open faster older big

1. near __________ 2.close __________

3.slower __________ 4.younger _________

5.clean __________ 6.small___________

without open new bigger in front of dry

1.with____________ 2.smaller______________

3.behind__________ 4.wet_____________

5.old__________ 6.close____________

二、 连线

1. Nice to meet you! A. No,we live in an apart-ment

2. Is that far from Beijing? B. I’m from Canada.

3. Did you live in a house ? C. Yes, I do.

4. Where are you from? D. Nice to meet you.

5. Do you like Canada? E. I’m twelve!

6. How old are you? F. No, it’s only three hundred kilometres from Beijing.

三、 想一想,拼一拼,连一连。

si_ _ 淋浴

bat_ _ _ 洗涤槽

sh_ _er 浴缸

toi_ _ _ 抽水马桶


1.Li Ming wants _____ to school in Canada.

A.go B.to go C.going

2. What time ________?

A. it is B. it’s C.is it

3.Are ____ your suitcases?

A.these B.this C.that

4.Jenny and Danny live ____ Canada.

A.on B.is C.are

5.Isee him! There he ______.

A.am B. is C. are

6.Let’s help my mother ______ supper.

A. to make B. make C. making

7.I’m _____the dirty dishes.

A. wash B. to wash C. washing

8. We are hungry. What’s ____ supper?

A. to B. in C. for

9. _____ I help you ?

A. May B. Let C. may


Peter is a tall boy. He is 1.8 meters tall. He lives in canada. On Sunday morning, he likes to go to see his friend. Her name is Alan. She is a girl. She has a good garden(花园). There are many trees and roses in the garden. They are apple trees,orange trees and other fruit trees. There are lots of fruits on the garden. There are many birds(鸟) in the garden,too. Theyt are happy. The birds sings in the trees. Peter and Alan listen(听) to the birds and sing songs with them. They draw pictures(图画) of the birds.

It’s luch-time. They are hungry. They go to a restaurant. Peter would like some dumplings. Alan wants to he a bowl of noodles. Theyt order them for lunch.

( ) 1.Peter ______.

A. has a girl friend B.is a short boy

C.lives in china D.goes to see Alan in the afternoon

( ) 2. here are many ________ in the garden.

A.vegetables B.cats and dogs

C.fruit trees and flowers D.children(孩子们)

( ) 3. _________ sings in the tree.

A. peter and alan B.Birds

C.Fruit D.Roses

( ) 4. Peter and Alan_______.

A.don’t like sing B.don’t like birds

C.like birds D.like new clothes

( ) 5. They he lunch ________.

A.in a hotel B.in a restaurant

C.at home D.in the garden

This is my friend Jim in the picture. He is an American boy. He likes China very much. He likes speaking Chinese and likes singing Chinese songs. He likes Chinese food and tea. He likes riding a bike in China. He is learning to fly a kite. He does thind it is easy for him.

“Could you help me,please? This kite is too hey. It can’t fly.” He says to Li Lei.

“Let me see. Oh ,it’s not too hey. It’s broken. Don’t worry. You can fly my bite. Here you are!” Li Lei says.

“You’re very friendly.”says Jim.

( ) 1.My friend in the picture is an American boy.

( ) 2.He doesn’t like Chinese food.

( ) 3.He likes China very much.

( ) 4.His kite is too hey.

( ) 5. Li Lei is his good friend.


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