
Enterainment Activities 娱乐活动

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[疯狂英语900句第二册:3TalkingAboutActivities谈论活动]三、Talking About Activities 谈论活动181. What are you doing? 你在干什么?182. I'm reading a book. 我在看书。183. I'm cooking. 我在做饭。184. Are you watching...+阅读

Key Sentences(重点句子)

412.Would you like to join us at the party? 你愿意来参加我们的舞会吗?

413.We are hing a weekend dance party. 我们正举办一个周末舞会。

414. I hope you will enjoy yourself.


415.Let's do the disco.


416.But I'd like social dance.


417.Can you oblige me with a dance?


418.I don't care for the fox-trot.


419.May I he the pleasure of a waltz or a tango?


420.Will you accept my arm?


421.I suppose you dance often.


422.Still you dance wonderfully well.


423.There is no room for improvement of your dance.


424.Thank you for your pliment.


425.This is the first time I've ever attended a concert in China.


426.I like to listen to classical music very much.


427.Now let's see what we he on the programme.


428.I suppose all the positions are world famous pieces.


429.Are there any songs at the concert?


430.Did you enjoy it?


431.I think it was a very good performance.


432.I especially like the piano concerto.


433.Thanks for your inviting me to he enjoyed the wonderful concert.


Dialogue A

(A dance party is held in the pany's hall. The manager's secretary Miss Wang invites Mr. Green to attend their party. )

(A: Miss Wang; B: Mr. Green)

A: Do you he anything in particular tonight, Mr. Green?

B: Nothing special.

A: Then would you like to join us at the party?

B: I'd like to.

A: It's necessary to strike a proper balance between work and leisure.

B: I can't agree more.

* * * *

A: I'm so glad you he e, Mr. Green. This way, please.

B: Thank you. Are your people all here?

A: Yes, they are all in the dance hall, waiting for you. Now e in, please.

B: Thank you, Miss Wang.

A: We are hing a weekend dance party. I hope you will enjoy yourself.

B: Thanks.

A: (the music begins. ) Oh, it's tune for disco. Do you like playing disco?

B: Yes, disco is a good exercise for health.

A: Yes, but I'd like social dance.

B: Can you oblige me with a dance?

A: Sure. Let's. But I'm a poor dancer. I don't care for the foxtrot.

B: May I he the pleasure of a waltz or a tango?

A: Of course. Let's try the waltz. Now the music is going on. Will you accept my arm, Mr. Green?

B: With pleasure. I suppose you dance often.

A: Oh, no. To be frank, I hen't danced for a long time.

B: Still you dance wonderfully well.

A: Thanks, I'm glad you say so. But I should say you dance often.

B: Sometimes, but I he no brains for this thing. I never improve.

A: You're so modest, Mr. Green. Actually, there is no room for improvement of your dance.

B: Thank you for your pliment.

A: Mr Green, you must be tired and thirsty. Let's take a rest and go for some drink.

B: Good idea.

A: What would you like to drink? Lemonade, orangeade or port?

B: Orangeade, please. Thank you.

Dialogue B

(Miss Lang invites their cooperator on business Mr. Jimmy from America to attend a concert. )

(A: Mr. Jimmy; B: Miss Lang)

A: This is the first time I've ever attended a concert in China. I'm so excited.

B: I know you're a great music lover. Do you play any instruments?

A: I play the piano. As a matter of fact, I nearly became a pianist.

B: Is that so? I'm sure you would he been a very good one.

A: But I'm not sorry I became a businessman. I still play the piano, just for fun, and I like to listen to classical music very much.

B: Now let's see what we he on the prograrn. A string orchestra, a violin solo, a piano duel, a piano concerto, and some other interesting items.

A: I suppose all the positions are world famous pieces.

B: Of course. They are Beethoven's “Moonlight Sonata”; One of Mendelssohn's masterpieces; Johann Strauss's “By the Beautiful Blue Danube”and some famous light music.

A: Is there any songs at the concert?

B: Yes. Some are Chinese songs and some are foreign songs. All of them are adapted from some famous movies, such as “Midnight”, “Guerrilla of Honghu Lake”, “Dances with Wolves”and“Waterloo Bridge” etc.

A: Well, just now you said there is a piano concerto at the concert. I really hope it'll be“Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai”。

B: Yes, it is.

A: How lovely! I heard it the other day over the radio, and I liked it immediately.

(After the performance)

B: Did you enjoy it?

A: Yes, very much. I think it was a very good performance. How about you?

B: I enjoyed it very much, too. I especially like the piano concerto.

A: Yes, the pianist was marvelous. I wonder whether he learned to play the piano.

B: In Shanghai, I think. I heard he has been practicing for over twenty years now, ever since he was five.

A: No wonder he played so well.

B: There will be another several excellent concerts these days. We can attend all of them if you like.

A: Great! Thanks for your inviting me to he enjoyed the wonderful concert.

B: You are wele. And you must play something for us some time.

Notes 注释

1.strike a proper balance between work and leisure


2.dance hall 舞厅

3.social dance交谊舞

4.I can't agree more. 我太同意了。

5. to be frank说实话

6.he no brain for sth. 对……不用心

7.There is no room for…没有……的空间或余地

8.go for some drink 喝点什么

9.This is the first time I've ever attended a concert in China.

动词 attend在此作“出席;参加”讲。

10. I play the piano.我弹钢琴。


如: play the violin 拉小提琴

play the flute吹笛子等。

11.just for fun. 只是为了玩玩;玩玩而已

12.a violin solo 小提琴独奏

13. a string orchestra管弦乐合奏

14.a piano duel钢琴二重奏

15. Moonlight Sonata月光奏鸣曲

16. By the Beautiful Blue Danube蓝色多瑙河

17. Dances with Wolves与狼共舞(电影名)

18. Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥(电影名)

19. the other day在不久前的有一天

20.No wonder he played so well.


21.over the radio

在广播中、从收音机里“通过广播”也可用 on the radio

如:hear sth. on the radio


22.no wonder难怪;怪不得。有时可以说 little wonder(难以令人吃惊)、small wonder(不太令人吃惊)。

Words and Expressions

proper/'pr&p+/ a. 适当的

leisure/'le{+/ n. 悠闲,安逸

oblige/&'blaid{/ v. 施恩于

Waltz/w&: lts/ n. 华尔兹舞

tango/'t$Rg+u/ n. 探戈舞

suppose/s+'p+uz/ v. 猜想

improvent/im'pru: vm+nt/ n. 改进

thirsty/'I+: sti/ a. 口渴的

lemonade/?lem+'neid/ n. 柠檬汁

orangeade/'&rind{eid/ n. 桔汁

port /p&: t/ n. 葡萄酒

conert/'k&ns+t/ n. 音乐会

instrument/'instrum+nt/ n. 乐器

masterpiece/'ma: st+pi: s/ n. 杰作;代表作

adapt/+'d$pt/ v. 改编

guerrilla /g+'ril+/ n. 游击队员

violin/?vai+'lin/ n. 小提琴

solo/'s+ul+u/ n. 独奏;独唱

concerto/k+n'tM+: t+u/ n. 协奏曲

promising/'pr&misiR/ a. 有前途的

excellent/'eks+l+nt/ a. 优秀的;极好的
