[培养阅读能力很重要]偶尔在网上碰到姐夫,谈起了儿子的教育问题。有感于儿子某些能力的不足,我说: 孩子的教育还是要顺其自然,有时候,教育的力量是很微弱的。 姐夫说: 搞幼儿教育的,不可以怀疑教育。你...+阅读
The skills of English comprehension is a significant aspect to jugde the learner's mastership of the language.
Here I give you some personal feedback on this issue:
1.The most efficient way to learn English is to get through certain amounts of English reading stuff. As a foreign scholar in Singapore, I found out that the reason for the distant margin between me and the local English-speaking students is the lack of reading.
2.English comprehension can standardize your "Chingish-tending" English. As you go through the reading procedure, you will realise the proper English expressing methods and enrich your English writing experiences.
3.English comprehension can enhance your LANGUAGE rather than improve your English SUBJECT.
As shown above, I've shared my feelings about the importance of English comprehension according to my foreign learning experiences. I hope it does help you somewhat!
Some educators have expressed concerns that supported reading provides an unfair advantage over individuals who are reading printed text without support. By providing access to the written word, supported reading makes learning possible, but not easier. Students still have to go through the same processes to learn the material as their peers who don't struggle with print. Essentially, supported reading levels the playing field for students who cannot read print. Overall Benefits of Supported Listening(这里SUPPORTED LISTENING指的就是阅读加听力) When the barrier to print is removed, individuals who use supported reading experience many benefits. Quantitative and anecdotal evidence suggests that supported reading can: (下面是所列的好处的总结) Improve listening skills Increase vocabulary Improve word recognition skills Improve comprehension skills Teach the proper pronunciation of words. Furthermore, supported reading provides a model of fluent reading, something that individuals who struggle with reading lack in their own repertoire of skills. Finally, supported reading enables students to read the same grade-level material as their peers. There is no “watering down” of the curriculum or the information students are expected to know.
as far as I am concerned,xxxx is important. First, students would have more opportunity to see different things and know more about our world.(后面说一下你可以学到什么,例如自然奥秘,社会历史一类的稍微扩展下) XXXX is not only beneficial for their body, but also for their mind.(后面说下对我的好处例如开阔了视野,使我更加智慧看问题更加成熟。)What's more, XXXX leads to involvement and involvement leads to enthusiasm and more response, which is very important for a student who is pursuing a better future.
例谈小学数学文本阅读的重要性阅读,尤其是文本的阅读,历来被看作是语文教学的事,在数学教学过程中也向来被忽略,甚至在不少公开课教学中,有时候根本就没有 组织学生阅读数学课本 这一环节。以至于,早读时间,学生...
逻辑思维能力培育的重要性实现对孩子“逻辑思维自主性”有效的培育 良好的逻辑思维的自主性在孩子处于逻辑思维基本结构创建和丰富成长过程的阶段具备如下的能力: 1)会更多和更丰富地采集、收集和储存...
为什么阅读?阅读的重要性人才源自知识,而知识的获得跟广泛的阅读积累是密不可分的。古人有“书中自有颜如玉”之说。杜甫所提倡的“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神”等,无不强调了多读书广集益的好处。因此,在...