

04月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮忙写一篇外贸英语函电想与一公司建立贸易关系]Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from ***,and we are writing to enquire whether you would be establish business with us. We are very well conne...+阅读


1.We are interested in both male and female style bicycles and it will be much appreciated if you can send us a catalogue withe latest price of mountain bicycles.

2.Bicycles are very popular in our city and there is a large demand. More and more people may ride bikes rather than drive a car due to the high fuel prices.

3.We will place a very large order if you offer satisfying bikes and competitive prices.

4.Your early reply will be highly appreciated!





catalogue 后面的“withe”应该改为“with the "


1:A 考的是 enquiry about 2:C resulte from用法 3:A 考的是 DRAWER,DRAWEE 解释下:Drawer 是指出票人即签发汇票的人,在进出口业务中,出票人通常是出口商。 Drawee是指受票人即汇票的付款人,在进出口业务中,受票人通常是进口商或其指定的银行 4:B信用证的受益人即出口方。5:D付款行。6:A 唯一不确定的一题。7:B 考的是superior to 还有 in quality 8:D 考的是词组furnish us with a detailed report on furnish with 和report on 9 :A for sb information是固定用法,还有 result in 引起,导致 10:B 用什么付款方式都是By.另外 satisfactory to


Dear XXXX, We learn from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may establish the business relationship in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company at Http://xxxxxxxxxx.alibaba.com which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, XXXXXXXXXX




外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms,

Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.


外贸函电:回信(中文版) 尊敬的先生/小姐,

感谢你来信对我的任命表达的祝贺。我也感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。 诚挚的


外贸函电:回复投诉(英文版) 20 May 2000 Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter of 20 May referring to your order no.252. We are glad to hear that the consignment was delivered promptly.

We regret, however, that case no.46 did not contain the goods you ordered. We have investigated the matter and find that we did make a mistake in putting the order together.

We have arranged for the correct goods to be dispatched to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready.

Please keep case no.46 and its contents until called for by our agents who have been informed of the situation.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller

外贸函电:回复投诉(中文版) ——先生:




错运的货物烦请代存,本公司已知会代理商,不日将与贵公司联络。 因此失误而引致任何不便,本公司深感歉意。


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