

04月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请大家帮忙分析个长难句的语法结构要详细 !谢谢!还有翻译]1. To understand the width and depth to which science can be appiled to the material and spiritual problems that confront individuals and nations 是一个很长的动...+阅读

Today, I saw a essay called "sand and stones" 。The content of the essay is about a story happened between two friends in the desert.When they had a dispute,one beated the other person. The person that was beated wrote the dispute in the sand ang let it gone with the wind.Later the person that was beated dropped into the mud carelessly,another one saved him with out thingking about himself.Then he wrote the process on the stone and saved it in his heart.

Actually,Dispute and unhappiness shouldn't be the things that make friends separate.Tolerance can cure the fissure.Because the fissure can't be the main point of the friengship.The tolerant and sincere heart can keep the friendship forever.

When making friends,the hurt is usually made carelessly.But their help is made with their heart.So please remenber their help and forget the hurt they made and you will find a lot of true friends.

We should do as the boy in the story,always keep the sincere and kindness in heart and forget all the unhappiness.Because friend is a word forever.


语义层次 semantic hierarchy

隐含意义 metaphorical meaning

象征意义 symbolic meaning

文化表达 culture expression

引申用法 extension usage

非任意性 irrandomicity

范畴化 categorization

社会主流文化 Social mainstream culture

基本颜色词 basic colors word

实物颜色词 real object colors word

复合颜色词 complex colors word

浓淡明暗不同的色调 shade and light hue

语义缺项 semantic lack

语义不对应 semantic uncorresponding

语义部分对应 semantic partly corresponding

貌合神离 variance when seemingly in harmony

语境意义 context meaning

联想意义 association meaning


1.How does he earn his living?

2.by a large amount of practice

3.You must come back home before 10 o'clock.

4.one by one

5.by the end of month

6.He learns Korean by himself.

7.By taking notes carefully

8.He is too young to go to school./He is not old enough to go to school./He is so young that he can't go to school.

9.The box is too heavy for me to carry./The box is not light enough for me to carry. /The box is so heavy that i can't carry it.


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