

03月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学二年级数学上册第二单元练习题]一. 填空. 1、.36+58= 91- 25= 个位6加8得( ), 个位1减5不够减,从十位 向十位( ),个位写( )。 ( ),个位要算( )减( )。 十位( )+( )+( )=( ) 十位( )-( )-( )=( )。 2.在( )里填数。 75=71+( ) 32=14+( ) 68=(...+阅读

1\as friendly to


3\remember not to laugh

4\ecourage ;agree with

4\enough;be already cook

5\at all;(I don't kown)

6\too full can't at all

7\drive next to (I don't kown)

8\There no difficulties;mind

9\I'm afraid ;much money

1\be good with

2\heard of

3\interesting to sightseeing

4\need to do

5\to the world

6\It is impossible

7\ not but

1\(I don't kown) 2\fail


1. I'm reading a book now. Its name is Gone with the wind.

2. ——I'm writing a letter.Let's go to the post office after school.

3.Look! The boy is doing his homework.It's easy for him to find the answers.

4.My mother is waiting fora call from my brother.

5.Listen! He is talking on the phone.He's happy to hear her mother's voice.

1. C. at

2. C. about



相处、get along with

进展make progress 进步,进展

上车 get on

1.as free as a bird 象小鸟一样自由自在

2.as quiet as a mouse

非常安静, 不声不响

3.eat like a horse 吃得多

4.live a dog's life过着牛马不如的生活

5.work like a tiger生龙活虎地干活

6.as weak as a cat身体虚弱, 意志薄弱


Australia is ( a )very interesting English-speaking countre A,a B.an 选A


1.What is the best way to keep fish from smelling?


[圣人] 1.这一句正常的理解是:怎么才能不让鱼发臭?但是,也可以理解为怎样不让鱼闻气味,所以这个采用的错误理解的方式

plug their noses把鱼鼻子塞上

2.Why is the letter "A" like twelve o'clock?

Because it is in the middle of ( day ).


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