section 1 两人讨论某festival
1.此festival每年举行,问last多久: 选4weeks
2. 文中说concert 8:00pm开始,但有些人6:00 a.m. 就去了,选(6:00 a.m.)
3.提早原因:提早去是为了搞picnic之类,所以they will watch the performance (填on the grass).
4.座位:sit near (the louder speakers)
performance time date location
5) "chameleon" 填drama theatre
6) 表演时间:填10:00am to 4:00pm
7) 地点: 填town hall
8) 日期: 填21st
9) xxx忘了
10) the doctor detected that the guy has got a 填(chest) infection
11) the doctor was annoyed because he did not 填(e before then)
12) the doctor prescribed for him some 填(anti-biotics)
how much/day: (3) times
for how long: (5) days
什么时候吃:(before meals)
side effects: (drowsiness)
medicine: (cough medicine) (penicillin)
section 3
spiro女和hiroko男 discuss with their tutor about their presentations
13) hiroko说那个topic他上次已作过一次presentation,显然选(he was not nervous about it)
14) spiro说其它人很奇怪,they just read out their
15) what did hiroko feel about his presentation?
a, he is not confident(显然不对,他已有经验了,he was not nervous)
b, he is unsatisfied
c, he feels no sense of relief.
文中说he feels no sense of satisfaction. 显然是c为了混淆,应选b
16) what did spiro feel about her presentation?
文中说其它人热烈讨论把她甩在一边,选c, she found others know each other
17) spiro对现在这次presentation的打算是:选(准备一些interesting topics)
18) spiro说她:选(consulted a lot of reference books)
19) hiroko说他要提高水平,他害怕阅读的问题在于:lack of vocabulary, 其它选项有reading speed,
其实他提到他的reading speed 挺好
20) spiro说如果topic能多一些关于他们专业的就好了,文中先提到了a)environmental study, 又提到了b)public
21) hiroko说他应该以后注意~的提高?a or b
a) vocabulary, b) reading speed, c) reading strategy
section 4
22) 叫mary的人提出研究sound可以研究到:填(50,000)年前语言的性质,先说了5,000以混淆
23) 发现现在某些语言具备的性质
填(spanish) 具有xxx性质
填(japanese) 具有xxx性质
填(tones) found existing in chinese。
然后show一张地图填空,注明a为europe,b为africa,c为south east asia,d为america,说
the initial migration was from xxx to xxx
this pushed the population from south africa 填(b) to america 填(d)
we found (gender) still existing in xxx
we found xxx in 填(b, a, d)
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