
初中英语演讲 2分钟的

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[青春期女孩发育图用英语怎么说]青春期女孩发育图 翻译成英文是:The chart of Adolescent girl development 相关单词学习: adolescent 英[ˌædəˈlesnt] 美[ˌædə'lesnt] n. 少年,少女; adj. 青少年的; 青...+阅读

Good evening, honorable judges and fellow students. Now standing in front of you is an always-happy boy. But what if I had only three days to live?Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get, but what if, what if you knew that you were gonna get the chocolate of death in three days?I would sit down and do nothing else but to reflect on the first day. I would think about the past. What did I do? Are they good or evil? What haven't I do, and what I really wanna do? Then I would smooth from my mind all the complaints and annoyances. I would enjoy the cloud dancing, the river singing, the wind stroking. And I would enjoy all sounds of the nature. When the darkness fell, I would talk to the shining stars in the sky.Then the first day passed. I would spend the second day with my families and friends. I would hold my mom's arm and take her for a walk chatting. We could talk about the old happy memories of us. And I would sit by my dad's side and hold his hands as he once held mine, feeling how the time have carved on his hands. Oh, my friends, we would have a party that night. We will sing together dance together and laugh together.Finally, the last day came as doomed. I would use the whole day to pray. I would pray for my dad and mom, wishing them a happier life and healthier bodies. I would pray for the mountains, wishing them green forever, the rivers clear forever and my friends happy forever. I would pray for the whole world wishing them to become more appreciated of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values, wishing them to bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do. I would pray pray and pray until died.


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