

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎样培养一个人的气质]你好,MISS YOU! 良好的教育基础,富裕的家庭环境被许多人认为是拥有气质的两个基础条件! 如果你已经错过了这两个基础条件,那么,在后天中,我个人认为,做到以下这些,就可以有效提升一个...+阅读

这是我教授发给我的范文电子稿When MBA school applicants get started on their personal statements, they often concentrate on what makes a personal statement good. While it is definitely helpful to know what makes an MBA admission essay exceptional, it is also equally important to know what makes a personal statement mediocre. Knowing what makes a bad MBA personal statement will give you an idea of what mistakes to avoid while writing your own essay. Read on to learn about what makes a bad MBA personal statement, so you can be on your way to writing an exceptional essay.A bad MBA personal statement has errors One of the worst mistakes you can commit in your MBA personal statement is to have spelling, grammar, or syntax errors. The best way to avoid these mistakes is to carefully edit your personal statement to make sure that it reads well. If you don't trust your own editing skills, then you should have someone else edit the essay. Perhaps a relative, colleague, or close friend who has excellent literature and English skills will be able to edit your paper to ensure that there are no errors of any sort. Some errors, such as providing erroneous information in your essay, can only be spotted and corrected by you, so make sure that you are truthful and honest in your essay to avoid such mistakes.A bad MBA personal statement doesn't distinguish the writer from other applicants Another costly mistake that is common in bad MBA personal statements is that the statement does not make the writer unique from other applicants. If you want to truly interest and captivate the admissions committee, you should try to let your unique personality shine through in your essay. To set yourself apart from the rest, avoid some of these mistakes:- using cliches- writing about common topics- not writing about your own feelings and perceptions- concentrating too much on what you think the committee wants to hear and not what you want to say- enumerating your achievements instead of telling a story- not talking about your own goals and aspirations A bad MBA personal statement fails to answer the question Some people tend to get carried away writing about their experiences or feelings, leading to an essay that doesn't completely answer the question being asked. To avoid this, it's a good idea to make an outline focused on the question being asked. Only include topics and information that relate to the question. Try to do some research on the school, and try to reflect on your answer to the question to show your own thoughts, personality, and characteristics in your answer.


如何培养一个人的气质要接受自己的面貌 每一个人在性格或外貌方面,都有其独特的气质和优点。懂得如何加以发挥,便可增加吸引力。 对别人信任和关心 热诚与关怀,是最具吸引力的气质之一。对别人关心...




特长生个人简历怎么写毕业生书写简历一般分为三个步骤: 一、在校或在职好时的成绩和表现。在自己以往的工作中,自己的成绩和贡献应该详细的进行描述,空洞的语言是乏力的,具体的实例才能说明自己能力...

电大个人理财作业三案例分析怎么解您好,看到您的问题将要被新提的问题从问题列表中挤出,问题无人回答过期后会被扣分并且悬赏分也将被没收!所以我给你提几条建议: 一,您可以选择在正确的分类下去提问或者到与您问...

小学四个人简单的英语日常对话小学生的日常对话如下。 A:What are you doing?B:I'm playing gamesC:I'm listening to musicD:I am reading a book。 A:你们在干什么?B:我在玩游戏C:我在听音乐D:我在看书。...


怎么测试一个人的能力创新能力测试 说明 创造性人才在企业中越来越重要,这类人才能够创造性地完成工作,不会为困难吓倒, 不会因为条件不具备而放弃努力。在寻找创新、开发、管理方面的人才时,必须考...
