[疯狂动物城200字观后感英文]zootopia was phenomenal!when this movie was first announced,i was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today.but it was incredible and ,yes...+阅读
The big winner of the Oscar's I am afraid, is , which is . It arrogate Ye eight awards. Awarded the annual prize for best film and so on, was told that this is a true story, describes a At Bombay slums the true story of the growth of Youth.啥时I also want to look at the theater in support of what India's "civilian" movie. Awards Presentation is half an hour before there is an interview with Movie Star, I see of a large group of actors standing on stage interview conducted interviews, they really are civilians, can only take part in this dream have a chance at the Oscar's on the stage so that they all are very excited. At that time, in front of the television for the I they pleased. The award-winning, I think yes because a director filming a society about the portrayal of lower class life, it is after the concept of the people pay more attention to slum it.
Thank you. You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that I fell and that's really embarrassing but thank you.This is nuts. Thank you to the Academy and thank you to the women this year. You were so magnificent and so inspiring and not just those of you in my category. And it's been so amazing getting to know you and you've been so nice and you've made this experience unforgettable.And thank you to the best producing team: Bruce, Donna, Jon and to my team at CAA and IDPR. And Bradley, and our entire cast: Chris, Jacki, Bob and our crew. My family. Happy birthday, Emmanuelle. Thank you so much....
I know my work in this case is magnified by the fact that the streets of heaven are too crowded with angels. We know their names - they number a thousand for each one of the red ribbons that we wear here tonight. They finally rest in the warm embrace of the gracious creator of us all. 我知道我今天之所以能够站在这里是由于通往天堂的路上有众多的天使的呵护。我们知道他们的名字--我们今晚所戴的成百上千条红缎带中的每一条都是他们的心血。他们最终安息在我们伟大的缔造者的温暖的怀抱。
Oh, my God, I never thought that growing up in Tennessee, I would stand on the Oscars one day. I want to say that Johnny Cash and Johnny Carter always like to give awards to other artists, musicians and singers. I feel this tradition again tonight.
This award is very important. I can feel its weight. So I want to thank the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for this great honor. I need to thank a lot of people who helped me to successfully shape this role.
Everyone at Fox, especially Cathy Konrad and James Kiki, made the movie. I would like to thank Jim Mangold in particular for directing the film and creating the character.
She is a real woman, she has self-esteem and strong, she also has fear, but more courage. I really like the role. I'm lucky to play it. Thank you.
2020年6月13日,奥斯卡主办方美国电影艺术与科学学院宣布新计划“Academy Aperture 2025”,力求增加奥斯卡的多样性,促进平等和包容,将在7月31日前建立工作组,并出台新规则和措施。
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