[英语学习心得体会]其实英语实在太简单了! 先别急,这是真的,今天没什么时间就简单说说.. 首先我的英语水平:讲纯正美语,看英文原著,看英文原声电影不需要字幕...告诉大家我的一些心得.. 因为英语和汉...+阅读
I think "Understanding+Summary=Memory" is a good way to learn English. Here I'd like to take The Compound Sentences as an example:
When I learnt this grammatical item,I tried to master it as follows:
⑴ Conjunctions:The conjunctions to introduce compound sentences are mainly coordinate, such as "and、or、but(while)、so、for,etc".
⑵ Structure:a clause + coordinate conjuntions + another clause
e.g. Use your head,and you'll find the way.
⑶ Principle:symmetrical structure,that's to say the clauses before or after the coordinate conjunctions should have the necessary conditions of English sentences and keep the sequence of tenses.
⑷ Transformation:Sometimes Complex Sentences,especially the adverbial clause of condition,can be replaced by compound ones.
e.g. If you don't hurry up,you'll be late. = Hurry up,or(else)/ otherwise you'll be late.
学习英语的心得体会This term I learned a lot ,and I have some problems I fell nervous when facing this language and I did bad in listening .I can not imprive my oral English and I...
学习英语感想用英语写1000字左右的学习英语的心得体会或经验用英I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English。 Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they s...
abc的英语口语培训经历说一下我这几个月的心得洛基英语知道合伙人 2018-07-26从零基础开始学习的话,如果要到可以用英语进行交流说话,这是需要分程度的。能够开始说英语:这个程度是容易达到的,如果保持练习的话,基本1个月就能...
心理语言学学习体会。学习本课程最大的收获用英语回答1. I got answers to certain questions that I have been wondering about for quite some time, e.g. “why do I remember the beginnings and endings of some words bu...
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英语学习心得体会!急1. 从最感兴趣的方面入手。如果喜欢旅游,可以浏览美国国家地理网站;钟情卡通,可以多欣赏迪士尼原声大碟;关心时事,可以在线收看CNN,BBC的新闻。总之,兴趣是最好的老师,对什么感兴趣...
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哪位前辈有好的考研英语学习心得能不能教导一下小弟啊你好,我是2010考研的,考了82分,也考进了自己心仪的学校。考研英语我准备了将近半年,也有很多心得和经验,希望能帮到你。 首先单词一定要过关,好好地背完一本单词书是很重要的,去年...