[求肖申克的救赎 400字观后感]《肖申克的救赎》,片如其名,不仅仅是安迪自我的救赎,而是对于肖申克监狱对于生活,对于这个信念匮乏的年代的一种救赎。 观影过程中无不惊叹导演,编剧的才华,每个细小物件无不透出...+阅读
你真是太有才了,交英文版的给老师, National Day celebration, to show an army of military might, a country's prestige and a nation's noble spirit.
Of the Republic passed 60 springs and autumns, the flames of years remembered. We have been suffering, we have experienced tempered, we have had bitter pursuit, and we all came off, and we have gone through the motherland, the backbone of the firm; we have had a dream, we have had lofty sentiments and aspirations, we have had numerous happiness and joy, we have had, we have experienced. We have a fear no hardship and courage of the proud nation, we have a strong backbone of the motherland proud.
When the time's footsteps into 2009, the motherland will never rises past six decades is a monument in our hearts and is always encouraging us to move forward the torch! "Rise up, do not want to be slaves to our flesh and blood, building into our new Great Wall ... ..." It's majestic national anthem, not correct to sing our great motherland backbone of a strong and unyielding do? Let us take the space as impetus to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to build into our new one.
求肖申克的救赎观后感 2000字左右谢谢!周末看了一部美国影片《肖申克的救赎》(《The Shawshank Redemption》) 讲的是一位因冤案入狱的年轻银行家在牢中如何追寻自由的故事。 不同的人看同样的影片可能都有不同的感...
肖申克的救赎观后感当我看完《肖申克的救赎》时,我体会到了这一切,监狱中生活绝对没有乐趣可言,更加染不上什么希望,在绝望中找希望更是困难。人们总说不要和命运抗争,可是 当安迪战胜命运的时候,我...
随便来篇电影观后感自由,希望,信仰,三个对人的一生起着决定性的东西,它们是虚幻的,是看不见的,然而一旦人们失去了这三者,将最终走向死亡,走向自我毁灭。 听,是肖申克传来的音乐声,“我到今天也始终不明...
魏书生讲座观后感魏书生讲座观后感 “松、静、匀、乐”,我想,听过魏书生老师讲座的人,都不会忘记这四个字,更不会忘记,魏书生老师的那种人生心态。听了魏书生老师的报告感觉豁然开朗,我最大的体会...
求一篇观魏书生老师讲学习方法的观后感。 500字左右观看《魏书生·学习方法》的感受 信息技术教师教学工作一件最头疼的事情就是在机房上课时的 纪律问题。 面对学生人数多, 接触时间少, 不少学生姓名也叫不出来, 遇上一些不听话...
60年华诞大阅兵观后感你太有才了,你交英文版的吧,保证你最牛鼻, National Day celebration, to show an army of military might, a country's prestige and a nation's noble spirit. Of the Repub...